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Muscovites Gone to the Meeting with Luzhkov and Resin Were at Once Received by OMON

Muscovites Gone to the Meeting with Luzhkov and Resin Were at Once Received by OMON

On September, 3rd at 11.00 near the monument to Jury Dolgoruky (opposite to a building of Moscow Mayor's Office, Tverkaya Street, 13) in Moscow gathered about 100 representatives of the movement Moscow Council which unites more than 50 social movements of the city and also active workers of the Left Front, movement "Vpered", United Civil Front, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other organizations. Participants intended to submit collective pre-judicial complaint with the requirement to carry out repeated public hearings under the project of the General plan of the city of Moscow till 2025 and Land Use and Development Rules in the city of Moscow to the Government of Moscow and also to demand a meeting with the Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov and his assistant Vladimir Resin for discussion of critical remarks stated by Muscovites in relation to the project of the General plan and Land Use and Development Rules.

It is necessary to notice that citizens who came to Moscow Mayor's Office acted within the limits of the law - they peacefully communicated, signed collective complaint, gave comments to journalists. Firstly the police officers who surrounded adjoining territory did not interfere with representatives of Moscow Council. However after a while, when the quantity of participants of the action began to increase, militia's management lost its nerves.

Suddenly OMON agents rushed into the crowd, they started bring co-ordinator of Moscow Council and the Left Front Sergey Udaltsov down to earth. In turn, citizens began to interfere with false arrest. As a result, nothing less than beating of Muscovites began, people were dragged into militia bus.

Representatives of Moscow Council tried to block the bus, however OMON agents took citizens away using force. Arrested active workers of Moscow Council and the Left Front (Sergey Udaltsov, Jury Padalko, Vasily Kuzmin, Nikolay Krasnov, Dmitry Talantov, Maxim Slipchenko, Pavel Ilyin, Evgeny Kuznetsov, Peter Lupolo, Denis Shtylev and others) were taken to Department of Internal Affairs "Tverskoe", where obviously false administrative materials under article 20.2 of AVC of the Russian Federation "Carrying out of Unapproved Meeting" were drew up. Arrested persons refused to sign forged protocols and Jury Padalko applied for criminal offence in relation of police officers. As a result, about 16.00 arrested active workers were released after getting of notice of appointment on September, 8th - 9th.

Let's notice that after arrest participants remained free went to Department of Internal Affairs "Tverskoe" and demanded immediate release of the companions. When arrested persons were released, representatives of Moscow Council nevertheless made complaint on the project of the General Plan and Land Use and Development Rules into reception of the Government of Moscow.

Let's remind that participants of Moscow Council consider that decisions on working out of projects of the General Plan and Land Use and Development Rules were accepted with the roughest infringement of legislation that involves illegality of public hearings of projects of the General Plan and Land Use and Development Rules and invalidity of their results. 

If officials ignore requirements of Muscovites, Moscow Council intends to address law enforcement bodies to force city authorities to observe norms of the legislation and also to carry out large protest action with the requirement of holding new public hearings under the General Plan and Land Use and Development Rules in September.


Editorial board: Actually yesterday there was an event which can be considered as a new step to absolute dictatorship and cancellation of all civil rights as those.


It would seem, it's not a novelty - people were seized in infringement of article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the Russian Federation only the lazy does not spit upon his Constitution.


However in this case it was not only 31 article of Constitution which was infringed but also the article 33 which says: "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to address personally as well as to direct individual and collective references to state structures and local governments".

Unlike article 31, article 33 "is not corrected" by any other law like the law about meetings. It - is a norm of direct action which in addition is supported by variety of international documents - I do not know any state, even with the most dictatorial or monarchic form of government where the right of citizens to submit a paper for consideration of authorities would be limited.

At that the fact that people were going to submit petition having gathered in big enough group in no way can be treated as "unapproved meeting" - Constitution in article 33 specifies that citizens have the right to submit personally collective references, the number of people in "collective" is not stipulated. That is law-enforcement bodies, probably, following preliminary arrangement with city authorities, made criminal offence - prevented citizens to realize constitutional law. Moreover, they impinged upon bases of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

I won't to consider the given material as reference to the Prosecutor General's Office of RF.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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