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Victor Yushchenko's Party "Our Ukraine" Reacted Quite Roughly to Dmitry Medvedev's Application

Victor Yushchenko's Party "Our Ukraine" Reacted Quite Roughly to Dmitry Medvedev's Application

The chairman of political council of the party and simultaneously the head of president's secretariat Vera Ulyanchenko is sure that the letter of the Russian head is turned against all Ukrainian people.


"Each citizen is, of course, capable to distinguish truth from lie. True partner relations are defined not by political declarations but by concrete actions. The one who wants partnership does not avoid meetings, does not postpone visits of ambassadors but uses each possibility for meaningful dialogue", - is said in the statement spread by press-service of the party.


According to V.Ulyanchenko, D.Medvedev's application "again will remind Ukraine of necessity of internal consolidation despite of sharing of some political or party views".

"Aggressive tonality of the application of the Russian leader, in its essence, refers not V.Yushchenko and his policy but all our state and all Ukrainian people".

"Citizens of both states should stay apart from aggressive rhetoric to which annals, unfortunately, last application of the president of Russia refers. We think that wisdom of our people will put in their places those who forget not only civilized rules of behaviour but also history lessons", - is stated in the statement of Ulyanchenko.

The head of the political council of party "Our Ukraine" addressed all political forces of Ukraine, all public organisations and movements with an appeal to show today firm solidarity in upholding of national interests and non-admission of carrying out the dialogue with Ukraine in neo-imperial tonality. "I address to all citizens of Ukraine with appeal to unite with the Proukrainian political forces, for which independence of Ukraine, its sovereignty and national interests are above all! I believe that our firm position will not only strengthen us but also will break disillusion to those who from political reasons is ready to destroy friendship atmosphere between Ukraine and Russia", - Ulyanchenko summarized.

"Yushchenko's secretariat interpreted Dmitry Medvedev's application at will, having seen element of aggression in it", - deputy head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin already declared. "There's no aggression in this message, there's only concern", - the diplomat said to "Interfax".


From editorial board: As we, actually, warned, the letter of president Medvedev will cause opposite reaction - instead of trust growth there will be a consolidation round the person of president Yushchenko as the head of political council of the party "Our Ukraine" unambiguously speaks.


Let's notice - the claims stated by Medvedev in many respects well-founded but the tonality they are stated - is inadmissible. That is the way seniors speak with younger and sirs with their lackeys, while Ukraine is not only sovereign for 18 years but is simply older, Kiev after all is "mother of the Russian cities".


There's still one open question - whether Medvedev's environment modeled such reaction or "we tried our best - you know the rest"?


Judging by reaction of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the letter was not co-ordinated with it and today they try there to live down awkwardness - it is in favour of the version of foolishness.

On the other hand, Medvedev does not make an impression of a bird-brain, even vise versa - then a question appeared, even not one question concerning underlying reason of the given action.

In any case we can speak about irresponsible policy. Actually, if it could be different if, unlike, by the way, Ukraine, the president in Russia doesn't account to anybody for anything?

By the way, it's symptomatic that Victor Yushchenko is silent. While his rating grows...



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