
ëremlin Tests Public Opinion in Relation to Fall of Rouble

ëremlin Tests Public Opinion in Relation to Fall of Rouble

On Thursday the member of National Bank Board, the deputy of the State Duma Anatoly Aksakov offered to devaluate sharply rouble by 30-40%, alleging as his reason that it is favourable both to authorities, companies and population.

In conversation with news agency RIA Novosti Aksakov told that he shares the point of view about inevitability of devaluation as the price for oil is forced up speculatively and outflow of means from the share market will start up since September, prices for oil will fall, all tools will start becoming cheaper, including rouble.

Bank of Russia has not answered yet inquiry of news agency RIA Novosti about possible devaluation. However the group of semi-official Russian mass-media (including news agency RIA Novosti) already hastened to deny Aksakov, leaning against certain unidentified sources.

We already quoted the chairman of editorial board of FORUM.msk Michael Deljagina who said: "Intellectual (or moral) level of management of Bank of Russia which representatives declared readiness to bet on impossibility of devaluation depending on them (which already took place) and on the eve of other devaluation convinced Russians that those who invested money in currency would strongly lose, does not deserve even discussion".

Earlier he declared categorically: "The destiny of rouble is simple: downwards!"

Actually, we discuss not the prospect of fall in the exchange rate of rouble but the speed of this fall. Everything, in general, is clear - it won't be possible to spend half of gold and exchange currency reserves for three months of rouble keeping as it was in the past and in the beginning of this year -there are already no such reserves. But, probably, the group of interested persons would like to try to keep it further. One should wonder - why do interests of the overwhelming majority of citizens so strongly differ from interests of small group of the top managers and oligarchs covered by them?



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