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IranHas Conducted Tests of a Missile "Air-to-Sea" Class and Now Is Ready to Block the Strait of Hormuz

IranHas Conducted Tests of a Missile "Air-to-Sea" Class and Now Is Ready to Block the Strait of Hormuz

Iranhas conducted tests of a long-range missile of "air-to-sea" class. The rocket Thaqeb was dispatched from a submarine and hit the target situated on the coast in a kilometer from the sea. Tests passed successfully. According to the Commander of Naval Forces of Iran this guided missile is quite universal – it can equip not only a submarine, but also any military ship. TV showed the pictures with the launching of the rocket and the moment of its hitting the target on the coast.

At the same time, today, on August, 27th the Press-Secretary of the parliamentary commission dealing with national safety questions as well as with foreign policy communications Nazam Jelaly declared that Iran is not going to attack Israel and is going to use the weapon exclusively in the defensive purposes. It is, apparently, the truth - Israel as a target for the rocket Thaqeb is really quite a ridiculous target. At least because of the fact that to strike the coast of Israel the Iranian Navies have to manage to find themselves in the Mediterranean Sea.

On the other hand, in view of expected blocking of the Strait of Hormuz by Iran successful tests of the rocket Thaqeb became magnificent demonstration of opportunities of the Iranian Navies on the given battlefield.

Iran affirms that the rocket Thaqeb ("Penetrating") is a result of own development of the Iranian military-industrial complex. Though in case of blocking by Iran of the Strait of Hormuz the barrel price of crude oil can grow up to 200 dollars that will lead to kind if a shower of gold for the countries-exporters of oil. It’s not excluded that military-technical help from outside could be used for the pushing of Iran to this step.

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