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Two More Weeks of “Interlunation” Are Being Forecasted to the Ukraine

Two More Weeks of “Interlunation” Are Being Forecasted to the Ukraine
Alexander Magidovich 28.07.2006

On Tuesday in the very morning the Supreme Rada supported a proposal to carry special meeting of the parlament with the participation of the president in connection with political crisis of the Ukraine. However, Victor Yuschenko refused to accept an invitation from the deputies – the fact that became known quite late. From the point of view of ethics of relations inside the ruling clique it was a double mistake.

On the one hand, in parlamental republic which the Ukraine appears to be thepresident shouldn’t demonstrate neglect to the decision of the Supreme Rada especially in such a crisis moment. On the other hand, the Supreme Rada, probably, shouldn’t call the president “to the carpet” not being sure that it will be answered. Generally the authority has to make only those decisions which will be followed for hundred percents. Otherwise the authority takes a risk to be in derision.

The Chairman of the Supreme Rada Alexander Moroz trying to smooth awkwardness of the situation proposed not to discuss on Tuesday a question on the political situation in the country in the parlament. Proposal of Moroz was connected with the initiative of the president Victor Yuschenko to have on Wednesday after 2 p.m. (3 p.m. of Moscow time) in Mariinsky Palace round-table discussion of the way out from the situation with participation of all political forces. But if Moroz knew about Yuschenko’s decision to have round table on the 26th, then the invitation to the president to appear in the parlament on the 25th looked quite alike provocation. At that provocation played the trick against the Supreme Rada – as soon as it was its decision that wasn’t folloowed.  

Moroz thinks that in the course of the round-table discussion the course for the approaching of positions of the Ukrainian politicians and the Ukraine society should be defined. This formulation is strange as soon as in the positions of the politicians as well as in the position of the society there are two alternative points of view at that each political party appeal to its part of the society. The Ukraine today represents internally divided society and the way out of the crisis should be found on a rather different level – in the sphere of searching of common interests for rapidly divergent groups of the populance.

Today – on the 25th of July – expiry 60 days from the moment of resignation of the former government. According to the Constitution of the Ukraine a new palament must form a new government during this period, otherwise the president has the right to dissolve the parlament and to announce pre-term elections.

To all appearences neither this, nor that happen.

Meantime anticrisis coalition waits that on Tuesday the president submit for the discussion of the parlament candidacy of the head of the Party of the Regions Victor Yanukovich to the post on the Prime-Minister. At that they declared on Tuesday in the president’s secretatiat that Yuschenko could consider that candidacy proposed till the 2nd of August that is during 15 days period after its nomination for the Prime-Ministry by the parlamental majority.

That means that during not less than 2 weeks interlunation condition will be kept in the Ukraine in which further worsening of social-econonic situation and weakening of power structures will be the only predictable things.

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