
VenezuelaWill Get 20% of the Russian Arms Export

VenezuelaWill Get 20% of the Russian Arms Export

The president of Venezuela Ugo Chaves will discuss in Moscowprospects of trade and economic and military-technical cooperation with Russia. Venezuelaintends to strengthen the strategic union with Russiaand to sign a number of agreements in the sphere of economic cooperation, the Venezuelan president declared in the airport just after arrival to Moscow. The president of Venezuelanoted that during his visit to Volgogradand Izhevska number of agreements in economic, technical and military spheres were signed.

"We announced a long time ago that we intend to get planes of "Sukhoy" family, Kalashnikov automatic devices and other arms and it is necessary to thank Russia for its firmness in this question", - Chaves declared.

Not less important also cooperation with Venezuelain fuel and energy sphere. Chaves stressed "importance of building of a gas pipe line on the south of Venezuelawhich length will be 8 thousand km". As he said "this project will be realized in interests not only Venezuelabut also Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguayand other countries of the Latin American region".

He informed that within the limits of the meetings carried out during the past days in Volgogradand Izhevska number of agreements related to the oil trade, industry, enterprise activity and also building of factories for manufacture of aluminium were signed.

"I came to Russianot only to buy Kalashnikov automatic devices but also to agree about purchase of licenses for construction in Venezuelaof a factory for their manufacturing. Besides we intend to build in our country a factory for production of oil and milk equipment using Russian technologies”, - Chaves said on the press-conference.

In 2005 bilateral commodity circulation between Russiaand Venezuelahas grown for 61,8 percent. Venezuelawill buy Russian warplanes æÒ-30 and helicopters, the sum of the contract exceeds 1 billion dollars is 20 % of an annual turnover Russian ÷ôó. Our expert, political scientist Vladimir Filin pays attention to rather wide spectrum of economic interests of Venezuelain Russia. The matter is that Latin America(and Venezuelafar not in the Latin American policy) experiences last part now intensive

In 2005 two-way commodity turnover between Russiaand Venezuelaincreased for 61,8 percent. Venezuelawill buy the Russian warplanes SU-30 and helicopters; the sum of the contract exceeds 1 billion dollars - that is 20% of annual turnover of the Russian military-technical cooperation.

Our expert political scientists Vladimir Philin pays attention to a quite wide spectrum of economic interests of Venezuelain Russia. The matter is that Latin America(Venezuelaoccupies not the last place in the Latin American policy) undergies nowadays intense economic growth which is accomponied by the growth of national selfconsiousness and unwillingness to stay in the shadow of the USA. An attemps of Ugo Chaves as charismatic leader to diversify the sourses of new technologies both military and civil goes under the refrain of liberation from north-american dependence.

- I can hardly imagine that automatic devices AK-103 bought in Russia in the foreseeable future will begin to shoot on the American soldiers and SU-34 will fight the American F-16 or F-22, - V. Philin thinks. - The difference in military potential here is too big so that toconsider seriously the prospects of military opposition. But the mere fact of armament of the Venezuelan army with the weapon of other standard than NATO has is extremely important for the future development of the Venezuelan war industry.

V.Philin did not start making comments on the hints which appeared in mass-media about the intention of Ugo Chavesto to create his own nuclear program. "I believe the messages of this character have more likely provocative character", - the political scientist considers.

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