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RF Declared about Plans of Withdrawal of the fleet from Sevastopol

RF Declared about Plans of Withdrawal of the fleet from Sevastopol

Russia plans to finish completely construction of new military base for Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk by 2016, a year before the term of rent of base in the Ukrainian Sevastopol, official mass-media inform. It is planned to place about 80 ships on the base including new submarines which reforming its army Russia intends to construct. Today Black Sea Fleet totals about 50 fighting ships and service boats. The government already spent 2.2 billion roubles for preparation of new base.

Let's add that, according to Sevastopol city state administration, from the beginning of year it dismissed 1,3 thousand people working before on the enterprises and in military units of Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. In total city employment service, according to data of SCSA, got information about forthcoming dismissal of 6400 citizens connected with Black Sea Fleet.

According to Big Sea Treaty signed by Ukraine and Russia on May, 28th, 1997, Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation can stay in Crimea till 2017. The Ukrainian party insists that on May, 28th, 2017 "stay of Black Sea Fleet in the territory of Ukraine will be already illegal".

From editorial board: The only true thing in these messages - info about 2,2 billion roubles spent. What were they spent for? It is possible to go to Novorossiysk and to look - unforgettable Ostap Bender gathered money for repair of Failure, it was difficult, he wasn't given money from the budget.


To make base of Black Sea Fleet from Tsemess Bay is, in general, not necessary - it's already the base of Black Sea Fleet. Another thing is that it can't contain all fleet - 80 ships, no matter how many billions you'll pump, it will not locate all the same. It means - there's one conclusion: by 2017 there will be so many ships in the structure of the Russian Federation that they will easily find place in Novorossiysk.


About new submarines - obvious lie. Nobody subsidized anything for Black Sea Fleet to build new submarines, it means that by 2017 no "new things" will appear.

The same thing is with surface ships of the first and second ranks. Unless some second-hand ships will be trasfered from Northern Fleet though it's hardly possible - there's already nothing there.

It means by the time of withdrawal of the fleet there will be something like flotilla, consisting mainly from small-sized ships which will easily be placed in Novorossiysk and partially, likely, in Ochamchir.

The only correct decision - creation of new base near to Temryuk and in general in water area of Azov with deepening of estuaries and construction of bypass channel with exit to Black Sea passing Kerch Strait - didn't inspired the Ministry of Defense. It's easier to cut fleet to flotilla.

For Sevastopol the problem of 6,5 thousand unemployed (in reality the number is several times higher as military pensioners who will not get into statistics of employment service; members of their families often employed in the same place, etc.), probably, is unsolvable. There's no information that the government is going to solve this problem somehow. Probably, the government doesn't see any problem here.

Official Kiev solves internal political problem of easing of proMoscow lobby. Withdrawal of the fleet will show that Moscow is not capable to protect even its ships and people, what can be said about people focused on the Russian Federation in Ukraine. It will demoralisingly affect the voter, first of all in Crimea and in Sevastopol. In the light of forthcoming elections it is actual, while future unsolvable problems of Sevastopol - will come later, not soon. They will be solved by absolutely different government.

Today Kiev is engaged in demonstrations. Up to placing of four launchers S-300 on Fiolent Cape - it is interesting that it's in immediate proximity from apartment houses, practically in city boundaries. Whom will will knock down?


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