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Did Summit really Take Place?

Did Summit really Take Place?
Baranov Anatoly 19.07.2006

An impression shaped itself that in a tremendous scandal took place in Petersburg: at first the second Russian social forum announced as “countersummit” fell in, then the dreakdown of the main event in Konstantinovsky Palace took shape. Why, yes, everybody kept smiling to each other and had breakfast in business-like manner but every time there was an impression that nothing happened. The press, concentrated in the best of all possible press-centers, was nothing to let people know besides the electromobiles, palace’s interiors and who with whom and in which language spoke.

The failure of the social forum ascertained its chief organizer Boris Kagarlitsky by saying in the interview to the radiostation “Svoboda” precisely the following: “...present Russian cosial forum was simply a huge step back in comparison with what it was in April, 2005”. But though the comparison is with the first (NB) forum, the step back – is a simple nil, zero.

Kagarlitsky shared the guilt for the failure of the Russian socforum between the Western Left who didn’t come (“we have faced very strong deficit of solidarity from the part of the Left that’s as if Russia is not the country of any interest to them, not being a modern one”) and the partners from Organisation Committee of the forum (“this very forum was captured by a small group of people who placed before them only one aim – to make PR campaign for themselves and their groups before the Russian and Western mass-media”).

Let’s leave aside moral-ethical side of the question – at last those people whom Boris Julievich reproaches are now in different pre-trial detention center of Saint-Petersburg and one of the organizers and “the main person” of the forum has already taken his time to disappear before it has got really tough and now is in Moscow giving interviews.

But nevertheless the main reason of the failure of the RSF appeared to be Boris Julievich Kagarlitsky himself. As soon as it was he who already during the work of the Organisation Committee made a scandalous report against the Communistic Party of the RF, “Rodina”, “Jabloko” that made it at once impossible simultenious participation of those parties and Kagarlitsky personally. NBP was also not permitted into the forum and also by Boris Julievich. Then where to take the mass character from, if all mass political organizations were cut of the event and cut by nobody else but B.J.Kagarlitsky?

And what about manifestation led by the efforts of the only Leningradsky City Committee of the CP of the RF which turned out to be more numerous than the whole Russian social forum.

It becomes clear at once who is who in the Russian Left movement.

But let’s forget them, political corpses.

Strange things happen (to be more precise Do NOT happen) on the main, “big” event in Konstantinovsky Palace.

Formally all’s going accorsing to the plan. Today declarations “About the struggle against terrorism” and “About collaboration and future actions on stabilisation and restoration” were accepted as well as petition of the “Group of the Eight” about the strengthening of UNO program on the struggle against terrorism. Earlier the leaders of the countries which makes up G8 approved the following documents: “Global power safery”, “About the struggle with ininfectious diseases”, “Education for innovation society in XXI”, “About the struggle against corruption at the high level”, “About the struggle against intellectual piracy” and “About infriging products”. Today the documents connecte with saling and the work with African countries also have been ascerted.

But none of these sufficiently formal documents by itself is a sensation. No break-thriughs – only everyday breakfasts, everyday lunchs, everyday dinners and electromobiles. Also everyday shower and everyday toilet. The brightest ebent was Tommy Blaire’s refusal to go by transport to the breakfast which he prefered to going on foot.

It’s possible, certainly, that observing the interiors of the palace which was too expensive to finish building for Peter the First and other “sovereigns of the Great and the Small and the White Russia” but it happened to be quite affordable for Putin’s Russia, the heads of the states of the Eight discuss something that is “not for publicity” and that’s very important. But then it’s the regime of not a summit but of masonic club.

But we were promised to have the summit!

Let’s say the conference in Jalta which established configuration of the world for 50 years – was summit! As well as the meeting of Gorbachev with Reigan in Rejkyavik where he “poured out” his inheritance received from the General Secretaries of former epochs – though a tragic one but all the same summit. But chat-ins in Strelnya – are something different.

We are shown replete and satisfied with themselves “owners of life” and are offered to believe that any meeting of such significant nobodies is a historical event. But Angela Merkel has no significant qualities but for the cellulitis on her back, qualities that let us believe that she is really capable of something. George Bush-junior is a nobody even in comparison with his father. Vladimir Putin suits to this “club of elite” by all the characteristics. Actually that is the main result of the summit.

One can congratulate Russia – in nothingness of its elite it has reached the best world samples.

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