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Shamil Basaev Appealed to the Moslems to Take the Sharia Oath to Dokka Umarov

Shamil Basaev Appealed to the Moslems to Take the Sharia Oath to Dokka Umarov
Ruslan Saidov 06.07.2006

On one of the sites controlled by Movladi Udugov appeared an address of Shamil Basaev to the Moslems of the Chechen Republic, Caucasia and other “Islamite countries occupied by the Russian empire” (Volga regions and the Urals are meant here) with an appeal to “take the sharia oath (Bayat) to the President of the Chechen Republic, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Sharif State Defense Committee Majlis ul-Shura- Dokka Umarov". There’s a photo of Basaev and Umarov, obviously been made in Ingooshetia in spring of this year, placed near the appeal. It is said that Basaev himself has already taken Bayat to Umarov. Publication of this strange document with Basaev’s signature on the site of Udugov aroses a number of questions. Thus after the death of the former head of Ichkeria sheikh Abdul-Khalim Sadulaev internet-resourses of Udugov (practically of Basaev) informed only on the fourth day that under constitution of Ichkeria the Vice-President Umarov became the President though, for example, Ahmed Zakaev announced it immediately as soon as the fact of the death of Abdul-Khalim was confirmed.

Such efficiency of Zakaev and on the contrary “sluggishness” of Udugov and Basaev point on the sharp contradictions in the camp of Ichkerian opposition which is explained in the Chechen Republic by different departmental belonging of the main figures. I won’t discuss departmental belonging of Basaev who will automatically become the President of the CRright after the death or arrest of Umarov. As to Umarov to whom we are asked to take Bayat, I won’t do it and recommend strongly to all the Moslems not to do it either. Here you are the reasons.

In the first, everybody in the ChechenRepublicand Caucasia have understood that it’s hopeless to carry on war with Russia. That is why it’s necessary to stop armed opposition and go to Ramzan Kadirovfor legalization if haven’t already done so. In the second, personallity of Dokka Umarov in comparison to the dead Aslan Maskhadov or Abdul-Halim Sadulaev causes a lot of questions. For example his participation with Arbi Baraev in provocative stealing of people including general Shpigun and several foreignors that has completely discredited the idea of the Chechen independence in the opinion of the Russian and world’s publicity.

Another dark moment – medical treatment of Umarov in Nalchikin 2000 according to the agreement with Federal Security Service. Only very ingenuous person will believe they are so humanistic in FSS that allowed well-known to “services” field commander and kidnapper to restore his health in hospital without any obstruction and after that easily go to Georgia. Usually such “concern” is being displayed to very special agents.

At last how to explain Umarov’s name has disappeared by the Russian officials from the discussions of the event in Beslan at the time when everyne in Caucasiaknows that not colonel Orsthoev (Ruslan Huchbarov) but Umarov himself was at the head of the school capture. Only 24 hours after the capture he delegated responsibilities to the colonel Orsthoev and returned without problems to Ingooshetia.

Thus by appealing to take Bayat to Umarov they try to involve the Moslems of the ChechenRepublicand Caucasia in another dirty provocation which aims, to all appearences, should be searched in Moscowcloser to the year 2008.

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