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Moscowof Putin and A New Separatism

Moscowof Putin and A New Separatism
Kalashnikov Maxim 05.07.2006

The attack of global dollar crisis can become fatal for the shaky Russian Federation.

Present "centrelising" policy of Moscowbureaucracy has generated the most dangerous phenomena in a life of the biggest splinter of the USSR. Instead of creation of the new country with strong programs of scientifically-industrial development we have received privatized half state – half corporation. Such establishment for a colonial robbery of the Russian Federationand fattening of a clique of enforcement agents, high-rank bureaucrats and oligarchs. An establishment with raw-material, vicious economy.

Today regions are angered: the "pumps" for withdrawal of means to Moscowand Petersburgare constructed on their territories. Conditions for new collapse which will follow decomposition of the Soviet Union are getting ripen secretly in the Russian Federation. As soon as due to the world financial crisis the authority in Moscowwill be reeled, can happen irreparable...

A Shade of "autonomous Siberia"

For the beginning we shall look at a tape of news agencies. So, on the 30th of June, 2006 the Agency of national news informed about a scandal which took place in usually stable proPutinStateDuma:

"... On Friday at the plenary session of the State Duma of the Russian Federationthe Deputy - Alexander Kravets - during the discussion of the project of the address to the chairman of the government declared that Siberiawas turning to a colony.

With the initiative to address Michael Fradkov "in connection with the decision of board of directors of the Joint-Stock Company "Sibneft" about the change of its legal address" the group of deputies of the Russian parliament led by Deputy Oleg Smolin acted.

" According to legislative assembly of Omsk area, till now about 35% of a profitable part of the consolidated budget of Omsk area was formed due to tax revenues from Joint Stock Company Society "Sibneft", - stated in the project of the document. – However, the new board of directors of the company made a decision about the change of the legal address and shifting to St.-Petersburg, in connection with it Omsk area would receive in 2006 less  income for the sum more than 8 billion roubles". As it is marked in the project of the address that will lead to non-performance of expenditure obligations of the area, to the violation of social rights and legal interests of citizens.

In connection with the fact that the control share holding of "Sibneft" belongs to "Gazprom" which control holding, in its turn, is in the property of the Russian Federation, deputies addressed to the Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation with the request not to allow to change the legal address of "Sibneft", at least to the beginning of next fiscal year or to prepare the bill of allocation of means to Omsk area adequate to lost taxes which are paid by this company to the local budget.

Vice-president of committee of budget and taxes Nadezhda Maximova acted against the address having promised to develop at the same time the mechanism of the transfer prices.

However, in opinion of deputy Alexander Kravets, "this execution will come also to other regions". Siberian regions, as he said, as a result of the governmental policy are turning into colonies.

Vice-president of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Oleg Morozov offered to the committee of budget and taxes to discuss this serious problem altogether with the discussions of the project of the budget. Then the chamber started voting.

As expected, the parliamentary majority refused to support the address to Fradkov. Only 98 deputies from the necessary 226 voices voted for it.

Thus, the process of financial strengthening of the northern capital due to other regions of the Russian Federationsproceeds. Having begun in January, 2005 with trasfer of accounts of Vneshtorgbank filling in of the budget of the city on Nevapicks up speed...”

"EnergySuperstate" – Raw Materials Appentage

As you can see, "stability" already gives dangerous cracks. As our sources on places testify, in the Urals and behind it the irritation from Moscowpolicy accrues. It only takes away but gives nothing in exchange. Tops of the Russian Federationpeel regions being engaged in "sawing" of the budget and sending of ridiculous papers. The Center feeds up due to the Siberian raw materials. Serious danger is already marked: as soon as new pipelines to Chinawill be constructed (and its power market is as capacious as the European one), Siberia will have no sense to share its oil and gas profits with Moscow. Now all export pipes are situated on the European part of the RF...

There is no other way. The country cannot live only on export of raw material and first of all on - oil and gas. Such way is shameful and humiliating. In the raw material appendage of the RF of the developed countries separatism of extractive regions is predetermined. Especially if to consider that the territories that don’t have raw materials alongside with the destruction of the Russian industialization turn into hopelessly depressive "black holes" and the buareaucratic-power grouping rulling in Moscow - into elementary parasites. Well, by calling a raw appendage a "superstate” nothing was changed.

Raw-material regions don’t need the RF: they are connected with foreign markets and can exist by themselves. Meanwhile the present authority cannot (and does not want) carry out the policy of development of the modern industry and transport corridors, to be engaged in reequipment of the army, to raise depressive subjects of the RF and to invest money into education, science and culture.

Externally Putin copies the latest stage of the USSRexistance. But actually the difference between the late Country of Soviet and the Russian Federationis cardinal. Then Moscowalso took away the lion's share of incomes from the raw material business. But they were turned back: in the form of builfing of plants and factories, transport highways and harbours. The center generously poured money in regions by financing of military programs and higher educational institutions, spending money on avia industry and shipbuilding, on the development of village. Nothing from the mentioned can be done by the "white-blue-red" Moscow. “Belovezhskaya  Russia” turns into the country with constant division of citizens into ‘high race” of masters (in general consisting of Moscowoligarchal officials) and slaves-provincials whose fate is – to bent their backs on the extraction of raw materials for a small group of masters-parasites.  At that “Moscowcaste” becomes isolated: in contrast to the Soviet times energetic and talanted provincial can’t make carrier and enter metropolitant establishment.

The present authority tries to keep unity of the Russian Federationis stupid-power, administrative way. However, forceful arguments are getting weaken: the army in the raw-material Russian Federationalso degrades. But provincials are consequently forced out from the Supreme authority, from process of making decisions and writing of laws. Introduction of elections in the State Duma only under party lists (without voting of territorial districts) will lead to the situation when legislators will be purely consisting of Moscow"party". Where will the parties and the deputies will "be done"? In the capital where all the money is rotating and the administration of the president is situated. That means that the authority will completely lose its connection with the real life of the RF and will start make phantom laws for imaginary “Russia” being more occupied with filling of the pockets of the rulling top.

Dangerous Moment

The dangerous moment will come when sharp crisis of dollar system begins. The raw-material Russian Federation completely depends on foreign markets and the "health" of its vicious economy - from a condition of economies of the USA, Europe and China.

The future crisis becomes the hardest blow on the RF. Gold and foreign currency reserves of Centrobank and Stabfund being kept, first, in foreign currency and securities, and, secondly - in the western banks will reduce to ashes. Ruin will overtake hundred thousand citizens of the Russian Federation. The supply system of the foodstuffs of "three-coloured country" will be broken. In fact for 60% it depends on imported edibles as it buys provisions on dollar incomes from the export of energy carriers. A threat of famine and mass disorders will apprear in the megapolicies.

Besides because of global financial crisis the world prices for oil (gas) will fall down which will be the reason for the sharpening of struggle of elites in the RF for growing scanty incomes from the "pipe".

In such conditions shaky postSoviet RF can break. At least - across the Urals. Certainly, the authorities of new "independent states" will plunder their citizens not less than Moscowand turn out riches in the same way abroad. But it will be already late. Even present truncated by the year 1991 Russiawill disappear from the world’s map.

It is necessary to do everything to avoid such turn of the events.

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