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League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia SKOJ statement: We do not accept the imperialist break-up of Serbia and Montenegro

Western imperialism, led by the USA, in the referendum of 21 May 2006 
in Montenegro unfortunately realized its destructive goal of 
creating the project begun in 1990 of totally smashing the Socialist 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was the equal-rights union of
Yugoslav nations and ethnic minorities and the first socialist state in 
the history of Yugoslavia.
  The first phase of the final blow of western imperialism on the 
remnants of Yugoslavia was carried out on 4 February 2003, when the 
bourgeois pro-imperialist counter-revolutionary regimes in Belgrade and 
Podgorica resolved to terminate the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 
and the second and final phase was executed this past Saturday in the 
“referendum” in Podgorica. Although the League of communist youth of 
Yugoslavia (SKOJ), as the youth movement of the new Communist Party of 
Yugoslavia (NKPJ), categorically stood against the  dissolution of 
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and against the creation of the 
union of con-federal creatures of Serbia and Montenegro under the control 
of the pro-imperialist regime in Belgrade and Podgorica. SKOJ supported 
the call of the Party to working people, anti-imperialists, patriots
and progressive citizens in Montenegro to make clear their opposition 
to the secession of Montenegro, primarily because something so 
retrograde was the primary goal of western imperialism under the 
leadership of the USA.
  The goal of western imperialism is to realize political, economic, and 
military expansion to the east, toward Russia, among other things, 
and to destroy the unity of Serbia and Montenegro was also demolish the 
mutual tolerance between the working class of Montenegro and the 
working class of Serbia.
  SKOJ unshakably stands on the positions of the International Communist 
Youth against change of borders in the Balkans that were established 
after the Second World War. The policy “the worse, the better” is 
the basic idea  of western imperialism on the territory of former 
  SKOJ expresses deep regret and bitterness at the destruction of the 
state of Serbia and Montenegro by the fraudulent “referendum” 
under the umbrella of the European Union.
  Many unassailable facts show that the secession of Montenegro had been 
planned jointly by Djukanovic’s pro-imperialist bourgeois regime with 
the leadership of the EU and the USA. Numerous moves and measures of 
the pro-imperialist government in Podgorica on the eve and in the course
of the referendum were undertaken by arrangement with the western 
  The referendum question in large measure suggests an answer in favor of 
termination of the common state.
  Besides that, the organizers of the “referendum” had to resort to 
gross fabrications together with the active participation of EU 
representatives Lajcik and Lipka. 
  Also, on the eve of the “referendum” Djukanovic’s pro-imperialist 
separatist regime used the controlled pupprt-state media to intensify 
separatist atmosphere and anti-Serb mood. 
  Many examples were recorded of arrests of anti-secession activists and 
of attempts to falsify lists of voters, as well as other 
irregularities. Montenegro’s citizens resident in Serbia were denied 
their right to vote on 21 May. Milo Djukanovic’s and Montenegro’s 
pro-imperialist campaign was also supported by some pro-imperialist 
bourgeois parties in Serbia, the most influential being the part of the 
regime in power in Belgrade.
  SKOJ, with disgust, rejects the recognition by the Belgrade regime of 
the “referendum” results. This clearly shows, despite their 
support of a unified state their pro-imperialist orientation. 
  The people of Serbia and Montenegro are fore-ordained by destiny to 
live in a unified state and to share the good and the bad.
  The idea of living together in one state is eternal and will outlive 
the secessionists and traitors of all stripes. The day will come when  
the working class of Montenegro and the working class of Serbia will 
unite and say NO to their pro-imperialist rulers and extend the hand to 
their proletarian brothers and sisters from the territory of our 
socialist fatherland, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in the 
struggle for true freedom, equality and independence. This will come 
about only by driving out imperialism from our territory.
Long live the brotherhood and unity of Serbia and Montenegro!
Long live the brotherhood and unity of the peoples of the Socialist 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia!
The Balkans belong to the Balkan peoples!
Belgarde, 24 May 2006.

Central Committee of the League of the

 Communist Yout of Yugoslavia(SKOJ)

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