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To the V-Day Juschenko Decided to Equal War Veterans to Gangsters

Anna Kolchak 11.05.2006

President Victor Juschenko made a nice gift to war veterans to the V-Day having declared that the new staff of the Supreme Rada would pass the law according to which gangsters from the Ukrainian Rebel Army will be recognized as war veterans. "The Supreme Rada should honour everyone who protected the Native land and vote for the law which recognizes soldiers of the URA as veterans of war", - Juschenko told not having specified that some of them "protected the native land" from the Soviet army. I.e. shot at the backs of other veterans.

The Chapter of operetta state assumes that it can become one of the items of the political agreement on formation of coalition. It does not occur to him that recognition of the URA as war veterans equal to soldiers-winners will split the country and people stronger than any policy.

In the Ukrainea death-roll in World War 2 is about the same as in Russia, war swept its territory as a skating rink. Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopoland Kerchbecame hero cities, they were practically completely destroyed by the enemy. Kharkovwhere the Soviet armies suffered heavy defeat undergone terrible destructions.

Guerrilla movement in the Ukraineoperated with enormous scope that served as an evidence of true moods of the Ukrainians more than tons of propaganda materials. It is enough to recollect Krasnodon and a feat of "Young Guard". Nazi marked themselves with wild atrocities and among the Jewish population of the Ukraine. Babij Yar became one of the symbols of tragedy of the Soviet Jews during war time.

It’s not a secret that a lot of Ukrainians basically inhabitants of the western regions recently attached to the USSRjoined Nazi. SS division "Galichina" as well as a number of other SS formations were organized from the Ukrainians (for example formed by Bandera’s Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists battalions SS "Nachtigal" and "Roland"). Since the 27th of July, 1941invaders created the Ukrainian auxiliary police which, among other duties, helped to kill Jews. Since February of 1942 the Ukrainian divisions of security police were created aiming to struggle against guerrillas. All in all more than 50 of such battalions were formed. Many of them operated not only in the Ukrainebut also in Belorussia. 118-th battalion "became especially notorious": it was its squadron under command of lieutenant Meleshko which in March of 1942 burnt village Khatyn together with its 149 inhabitants, 75 of whom were children.

However, the division "Galichina" fought not for long on the East front – for 19 days and was almost completely destroyed by the Soviet armies. Betrayers were not taken prisoners. Later "Galichina" took part in the suppression of Slovak revolt and struggle against guerrillas in Yugoslavia- in general, "nice" battle way. It is curious that in 1944 "Galichina" was transferred to the command of the "Ukrainian National Army".

These are the "veterans" who, thanks to Juschenko’s good graces, are ready today to receive privileges, free-of-charge medical aid, raised pensions and enjoy deserved respect of young generation of the Ukraine. They will come to schools with lectures on themes "As We Hung up Jews" or "As We Oppressed Red Swine".


1. Letter of Y. Stetsko to A.Hitler.

To Fuhrer and Chancellor of German Empire A. Hitler.

4th of July 1941. Berlin.

Your Excellency!

Being full with sincere gratitude and admiration of Your Heroic Army which covered itself with fadeless glory on fields of fights with the most malicious enemy of the Europe - Moscow Bolshevism - we send You, Great Fuhrer, on behalf of Ukrainian people and its government which was created in liberated Lemberg intimate congratulations and wishes to finish this struggle by full victory.

The victory of the German Weapon will allow You to expand creation of new Europeand in its east territory. Thus You have enabled Ukrainian people also to take active part in realization of this great idea as full, free member of family of the European nations incorporated in sovereign Ukrainian Empire.

To the Ukrainian government,

Yaroslav Stetsko 2. In the summer, 1942 bishops of the UGCC leaded by metropolitan A. Sheptitskij announced A. Hitler to be “forever in the cast of the Ukrainian national elite under number 1 as Chief Hetman of all Cossack Ukraine".3. In November, 1943 uniat military chaplains attested soldiers of SS division “Galicha”.

The text of the oath said:

"I, the Ukrainian volunteer, with this oath voluntary give myself to the order of German Army. I swear to the German Leader and the Supreme Commander of German Army Adolf Hitler to be in constant fidelity and obedience. I solemnly undertake to execute all orders and commands of officers and also to keep all military, state and service information strictly in secret and thus to serve truly and faithfully to German Army and simultaneously to the native land.

It is clear to me that after the oath I am exposed to all German military summary punishments. The end of my service as the Ukrainian volunteer is defined by German Army."

In other::