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We Will Give Accommodation and Provide Work

We Will Give Accommodation and Provide Work

Shortly what came to the address of FORUM.msk:

"We will give accommodation and provide work a crew of citizens of building trade (roofers, brick workers, finishers, carpenters, welders) in Egoryevsky region of the Moscow district.

Contact ph.: 8(985)839-41-45, 8(926)847-67-88.


It is clear that we have no idea who Oleg is and what work and salary he offers, but all the same thanks to him.

Today already more than one hundred thousand refugees from Ukraine try to locate in Russia. The world community doesn't recognize them, as the press secretary of U.S. State Department aphoristically noticed, maybe, they arrived to visit grandmother... Ukraine officially declares that it is at war with Russia, while people whom Kiev for some reason intends "to free" run up hill and down dale, at that they run to the territory of the opponent...

Russia, as the Russian bloggers already noticed, didn’t come on war with Ukraine. Though it’s ok. While it didn’t “come” to help refugees which vast majority even don’t have official status of "refugees". Moreover, people, compelled to run from Ukraine under the threat of punishment, underground workers also have in Russia no status of political emigrants.

They can tell that the budget allocates considerable money for refugees and some of this money really goes to refugees in the form of tents from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and boiler food. While autumn is coming, children would have to go to schools. Parents of these children should not only feed them, but also to incur other expenses, while refugees from Donbass have no money, generally these are not wealthy people.

Now I am in the territory of the Rostov region, and artillery cannonade doesn't allow me to concentrate for already several hours. It resembles caliber 157 millimeters. Now every Donbass grandmother already unmistakably determines type and caliber by sound... It is such "anti-terrorist" operation when artillery and aircraft are applied against “terrorists”. There’s no sense to write about “mopping up” in "freed" Slavyansk. So, many refugees already come back there, to a hell. The reason one – they have no money to live in Russia, everything is expensive. So, powerful flow of refugees to Russia is met by still weak, but noticeable streamlet of "repatriates" who has no money to save themselves from terror...

Therefore initiative of Oleg whose surname and other data I don't know is worth a lot. Thanks.

Anatoly Baranov


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