
It Turns out There’s Two Browsers Yandex with Two Different Positions

It Turns out There’s Two Browsers Yandex with Two Different Positions

Now I am in Lugansk engaged in affairs of the Anti-fascist staff and try to isolate the main news. I open Yandex which in Novorossiya (as well as in the Crimea) opens with the UA extension and read in a row: "In Slavyansk Fighters Bomb Residential Quarters, 8 Victims", "Poroshenko Urged Putin to Strengthen Mode of the State Border from the Side of the Russian Federation", "Terrorists Again Attacked the Anti-terrorist Operation Point in the City SÓhastie in the Luhansk Region", "Children from Kramatorsk Children's Home Are Transported to Kharkov", "Management of Information Security Is Created in the National Guard"... It’s as if in 1942 there were two newspapers "Pravda", one for the territory under control of the Red Army, and the other for occupied territories. Thus both of them would belong to the member of presidential and so on and so forth...

I talked to a person responsible for press in administration of LPR, people are kidnapped people in SÓhastie, 4 girls have been just stolen and brutally raped, one died... National guard behaves heinously. While it turns out in the Ukrainian Yandex that some "fighters" and "terrorists" attaÓked all.

Thus it is quiet and peaceful in Lugansk, it’s even somehow unnaturally. You catch yourself thinking that something’s wrong... Well, the city became empty, no children Óan be seen. Generally children from here are taken not to Kharkov. Everything as in waging war city – several reporters live in the central hotel, all institutions except one are closed, it’s prohibited to come to balconies. Not because of those who are on that party called "terrorists". Though a lot of things work quite normally, only there isn't enough visitors. Similar to Makhachkala of times of the Chechen campaigns, only people are more benevolent.

All fear is concentrated on the National guard and other "Nazis" – they are called only this way. While in plaÓes “terrorists” control situation is, for some reason, quietly.

Brothers Klitschko allocated 270 thousand dollars on retaliatory battalion "Kiev" from own means: “I and my brother Vladimir decided to provide battalion "Kiev" which protects today Ukraine in the Luhansk region with all neÓessary things". It’s also from Yandex news. Being Lugansk I see from whom they "protect" Ukraine in the Luhansk region and how it’s made. It looks differently from Kiev and in many respects thanks to UA Yandex.

Yandex RU is more, than loyal to the line of the "party and the governments", it opens with redirect: there’s only one UA version even in the territory of LPR territory, while there’s only RU version in Russia.

Well, the state banks of the Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine buy war bonds supporting retaliatory operation in the southeast with rouble, and the Russian media in UA zone provides it with ideological and propaganda support.

ánatoly Baranov, editor-in-Óhief of FORUM.msk


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