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The USA Greets Poroshenko’s Plan to Kill All

The USA Greets Poroshenko’s Plan to Kill All

"We greets announcement of the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko of ceasefire as the first step of peace plan which he discussed in telephone conversation with the president of Russia Vladimir Putin," — the representative of the State Department Jen Psaki declared at a briefing on Wednesday. Thus she noted that it is a question of "unilateral actions of the Ukrainian authorities".

- We have already written about Poroshenko’s "peace plan" to kill all. Thus we didn't doubt that the State Department would support it, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminded. - Now we would like to hear the witness Putin – if he also put his name down for this shit together with Poroshenko? The witness Lavrov, probably, having examined materials of FORUM.msk, сritiсized Poroshenko's plan in every possible way, using the same arguments as we, and as a whole it is correct. I don't think that Putin thinks somehow differently, than Lavrov. So, it turns out that he is afraid of “tut-tut” as Gerashchenko used to say? Poroshenko called him up, stood next to him Normandy for a minute and that was enough? It’s suсh triсk, typically Kiev’s one, where if to you are paid 50 percent of advance payment, you will never receive the second half.

One more nuance is even much more interesting.

The deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from fraction UDAR Sergey Kaplin considers that militants of Donbass can appear in Kiev already in autumn, if not to block the Ukrainian-Russian border and not to mop up Donbass from "terrorists" now. "If we delay border closing, Donetsk and Lugansk fronts will come under Presidential Administration in autumn. That will be fronts not from locals, they will consist of those who will cross the border during summer. In autumn they will come not only to Kiev, but also to other cities with diversions," — the People's Deputy declared.

"The president takes very wise historic steps — he gives a hand for negotiations and ceasefire first. Though if such initiative won't be supported, he will have the full right for destruction without prevention of those who involves Ukraine in war," — the member of UDAR considers.

- That is they in Kiev have already decided that "peace plan" would surely fail, and it would be necessary to kill all quickly, - Anatoly Baranov continued. – Otherwise militants will appear near Kiev by autumn. This is the most interesting – we should understood that the deputies understand the moods in society, they also understand that no external forces, no "mercenaries" won’t help to reach Kiev. It means, things in Ukraine will become so bad by autumn that if not to suppress everything that it is possible now and not to establish the most severe terror, the next Maidan will drive all this brotherhood to hell, and people will have not sticks, but machine guns in their hands for persuasiveness. So, they are in a hurry in fact.

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