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Ukraine Already Officially “Ripped Off” Russia with Defense Order

Ukraine Already Officially “Ripped Off” Russia with Defense Order

Ukraine hasn’t returned and already will never return to Russia advance payment for military orders placed at the Ukrainian enterprises of the military - industrial complex, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Dmitry Rogozin declared on Thursday. "It is necessary to understand that Ukraine hasn't pay off and won't pay for the production which is placed at these enterprises any more. It detains production of the goods and doesn't return advance payment, there’s no talking about the Crimea," — agency “Interfax” cites what he told during selector meeting in the situation center of the government of Russia.

Speaking about conditions in which military – industrial complex of Russia and the Crimea should work Rogozin emphasized that sanctions against Moscow were declared long ago and would become even tougher. He showed discontent with rates of execution of instructions related to the placement of state defense order at defense industry enterprises of the Crimea. "Rates of execution of instructions don't impress. It is possible to write off weeks, not months for force majeur circumstances," — the Deputy Prime Minister noted.

- Apparently, the West will refuse from carrying out of obligations related to Russia in general, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov believes. - Ukraine is used as a tester, if it is possible not to return rather small advance payments for accessories, tomorrow they won't return advance payment for "Mistrals", and these are already milliard sums. Ukraine doesn't pay for gas and won't pay at all, it will take it free of charge for own needs from the European quota. Russia will be responsible for short delivery, and Europe will look at it this time quite favourably. The EU will block Bulgaria its site of “South Stream”. In the end even if the EU remains without gas, Washington will only be glad. It’s like domestic fight, if you start be insolent, be insolent to lawlessness, otherwise you will be hurt. While Putin tried to be insolent, but then beat a retreat. European, frack...

- It is necessary to go all the way here, - Anatoly Baranov continues. - Or to hand over everything, leave the Crimea and to give away as moral compensation Belgorod, Kuriles or what they want else. Otherwise it’s necessary to stop flights to ISS exclusively because of short delivery of important details for rocket engines by Ukraine. To stop supply of gas to Europe through GTS of Ukraine forever, having suggested the EU to wait while “South Stream” will be constructed in accelerated terms. To agree on entry of Ukraine into NATO, but to leave SALT contracts, to return to practice of nuclear tests on Novaya Zemlya including in atmosphere, if to be extremists, then to be real, not toy ones. In exchange for refusal of nuclear tests – withdrawal of all armies of the USA from Europe, nothing threatens to it. To nationalize all foreign property in the field of means of production and to limit share of private domestic capital to be lower than 49 percent. To declare national reconciliation - to amnesty all arrested and condemned on political (and some criminal) affairs in case they express desire to serve under the contract. To declare the southeast of Ukraine a no-fly zone for a day and to enter peacekeeping contingent immediately, having officially declared that as soon as the parties will sit down at negotiating table and agree about ceasefire, armies will be immediately withdrawn without annexations. Thus to invite any number of the European pacifists for public control over actions of the army, if the Ukrainians will shoot citizens of the EU, let them shoot... To enter in general the Soviet practice of address to citizens of the foreign states via the head of the governments. To agree to refusal from all these measures on condition of convocation of new Yalta conference with participation of China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, to demand establishment of new rules of the game on the international scene. Everything has to be so, to the maximum, globally. Otherwise we will be crushed.

- However, already different Russia, not oligarchic, corrupted and unscrupulous is required for this purpose, - Anatoly Baranov finished.


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