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Public Prosecutor Demanded 5 Years of Imprisonment for the Banner


The hearings of the case of "rock-climbers" from National Blocks - Olga Kudrina and Evgeny Logovskoj have just passed. One year ago they hung out on hotel "Russia" the banner with an inscription "Putin – leave by yourself!" The public prosecutor demanded 5 years of imprisonment for each of them today. On the 6th of May at 11.00 a.m.the verdict will be announced in the building of the Tver court.

The lawyer of the National Block Dmitry Agranovsky says: "I am simply dumbfounded by the discrepancy of the done to that is demanded as a way of punishment from the state charge. We have already seen a lot of, as it seemed to us, improbable things on processes similar to it, but this is something beyond the limits. For the year young people are on their own recognizance because of having hung out this poster in which they only expressed the constitutional law to demand resignation of the president who doesn’t satisfy them. Where did the public prosecutor find the insult of the president and other "special circumstances"? Besides the cheap material damage had been compensated to hotel long time ago, the hotel doesn’t have any claims. Besides the hotel itself will be taken down very soon".

- I would like to invite, - the lawyer adds, - on the 6th of May to a building of the Tver court all people who are not indifferent. All of us still hope for the decision of court.

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