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Obama Will Send Yanukovich to Resignation or to Hague

Obama Will Send Yanukovich to Resignation or to Hague

The U.S. President Barack Obama in the annual performance before the Congress declared that he also supported opposition protests in Ukraine. "We support principle that all people have the right to express their opinion freely and peacefully," — he declared.

Today the Vice President of the United States - Joe Biden - called resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and cancellation of laws from January, 16 by parliament "progress". He called the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych to create the pro-European government in the country.

"Why does the head of the sovereign state with population in 50 million people, the president Yanukovych call HIMSELF (as the White House affirms, I refer to Interfax) to vice-president of the United States of America Joseph Biden and report him about situation in Ukraine? - Eduard Limonov asks in his LJ. - No diplomatic etiquette provides it. It turns out that V. Yanukovych called as if he called to his boss, J. Biden to inform about actions and to receive further instructions. It’s not diplomacy. It’s voluntary submission".

- It seems to me that Obama told about something else, not about Ukraine, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Perhaps, he spoke about approaching 31st? People, trying to exercise their right to express opinion freely and peacefully for many years take to the streets of Moscow on the 31st. Every 31st these people are arrested, beaten and then got judgments written on the basis of false evidences of police officers. After it Obama meets Putin and never tells him about his commitment to protection of rights of citizens of Russia to gather peacefully and express opinion.

- Something absolutely different takes place in Ukraine, - Anatoly Baranov thinks. - Unless pelting of police officers with incendiary mix and attacks with cudgels can be considered as peaceful actions under the American laws? Unless capture of governmental buildings, arsons of the state property could be regarded as expression of opinions? Unless murder of the militiaman and drawing of heavy injuries to other employees of the bodies are within the concept of peaceful protest? I am talking not about condemnation of the Ukrainian intifada, but that the U.S. President had to tell directly that he supported revolt in Ukraine, he supported revolution because it to some extent corresponds to the interests of America. Therefore we put pressure upon the Ukrainian management, one democratic Ukrainian prime minister already stood in our prison, now we would imprison also the president, if it would be necessary. Or would murder in cell, as the president of Yugoslavia. The president Yanukovych has to understand it, he has no place to run to.

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