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The USA Brought a Bit of Freedom to Ukraine

The USA Brought a Bit of Freedom to Ukraine

The Upper House of the American Congress adopted resolution condemning dispersal supporters of Eurointegration in Kiev on November, 30th, December, 1st and December, 11th. The ambassador of the USA in Ukraine Jeffrey Payett reported about it in his microblog.

Besides, the U.S. Senate threatened that in a case "further state violence in relation to peace demonstrators, the president and the congress will consider possibility of application of purposeful sanctions (including visa and freezing of assets) in relation to persons responsible for order or application of violence".

As they say in the document to which the American ambassador refers, the Senate "urges all political parties to refrain from incitement of hatred or actions of anti-Semitic or other character which lead to division of the Ukrainian people".


From editorial board: We will note that congressmen consider measures for preservation of public order as "application of violence", much more rigid actions of police in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan didn't cause so rigid reaction of Washington. Capture of public and state buildings took place in Kiev, but the authorities don't dare to apply now any (even the softest) measures as they will be immediately subjected to sanctions.

In the USA they treated protesting of "Oссupy Wall Street" action more rigidly and there weren’t, of course, any sanctions.

On the other hand, urging to abstain from anti-Semitic and "other character" (Nazi) statements, the congress recognizes that the last took place in significant amount. However nothing’s said about sanctions in that case. In essence, the USA has nothing against Nazism and racism in promotion of the European values in Ukraine.

Let’s say frank apartheid in Baltic didn't prevent promotion of the European values in any way, quite probably apartheid itself was a part of these values. In any case, the USA in presence of 15 percent of so-called "non-nationals" places contingent of the Air Force in Estonia and considers a question of ground forсes - probably, for protection of apartheid?

There are no doubts that having followed way of freedom and democracy, sooner or later Ukraine also will be compelled to place the American military contingent in its territory, that in the most salutary way will affect welfare of the Ukrainian girls compelled now to go to earn for living to unfriendly countries or to lie for hours on the Sevastopol beaches in hope to attract attention of some invader.


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