
True Christian Caught Muslim and Ate

True Christian Caught Muslim and Ate

In the capital of the Central African Republic, city of Bangui the local ate a foot of the man who was killed before by the crowd. The correspondent of "BBC" Paul Wood who became eyewitness of the incident writes about it on January, 13.

The journalist managed to communicate to the cannibal. The man presented himself as Oundzha Magloir, he explained to the correspondent that killed man was Muslim and representatives of that religion earlier killed his pregnant wife, sister and nephew.

On Wood's question why he ate foot, the cannibal declared that he was very angry. Magloir also admitted that he is called "mad dog".

As Magloir told, he noticed the Muslim in the bus. Together with other passengers he decided to kill the man. The crowd consisting mainly of Christians demanded the driver to stop, then the Muslim was dragged out on the street where he was beaten. Suddenly Magloir deÓided to pour gasoline over the man and set fire. He did it.

None of the crowd prevented Magloir when he started eating the killed. On the contrary, those who were present approached him, tapped on the shoulder and praised. Murder took place in the face of peacekeepers from Burundi, the journalist notes. One of the soldiers fetÓhed up. Military men dispersed the crowd only after case of cannibalism happenned.

As Paul Wood writes, he has video with incident which "BBC" however didn't publish. According to the journalist, on one of shots Magloir is depicted smiling with filled with meat mouth.

Collisions between Christians and Muslims last in the CAR not one year. In December, 2013 armed conflicts flashed with a new force. Less than in a month about thousands of people died in collisions. Self-proclaimed president Michel Djotodia resigned against the conflicts in January.

As BBC News notes, in mainly Christian CAR cases of cannibalism are rather rare. As a rule, representatives of various sects resort to eating of human meat. At the same time, according to different data, one of the heads of the country was cannibal. It is a question of Jean-Bedel Bocassa who in 1976 proclaimed himself the emperor of the CAR. Before it Bokassa was the officer of the French army and the champion of Africa on boxing in heavy weight.


From editorial board: It’s towards that religion makes people kinder and more moral. It is fine that on the second decade of the 21st Óentury someone somewhere continue to eat people. Though it appears that cannibalism is quite real manifestation of the conflict between Christians and Muslims. In faÓt there’s in the Bible a ban on murder, but nothing is said that it is impossible to eat the neighbour. If it isn't forbidden, than it is authorized?

"Eat for this is my body" (Mf. 26 . 26). So, they eat...

It’s amazing in general - attributes of modern time are everywhere: the Muslim was seen in the bus, killed and ate, the proÓess of eating for certain was written down on cameras of mobile phones.

Now sedition - whether the Russian brothers went in their development far from the African Christian cannibals in their belief? Those who are ready to stand days to look for a moment at next "relic" and next day to look carnivorously in public transport at foreigners who "came without invitation" and clean here, sweep, squat...

By the way, earlier I wrote "brothers on belief" without quotes – it’s so. Brothers in Christ.

I can tell nothing about the African Muslims, may be they also eat "kaffirs", may be they don’t - I have no data. Though surely kill them. However, one of the "fighters for democracy" in Syria ate human flesh...

ánatoly Baranov, editor-in-Óhief of FORUM.msk

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