
Russians Will Be Returned Their Winter Time…

Russians Will Be Returned Their Winter Time…

After the Olympic Games the Russians will receive long-awaited gift from the government — return of winter time. As high-ranking source in the government and deputies of the State Duma told to “News”, the decision’s made, however the resolution on switching of hours will be published only after the Olympic Games in Sochi.

— Many advertising contracts are signed on the oÓÓasion of the Olympic Games, time of translations and other things have been already stipulated, so winter time will be returned only when the Olympic Games will come to the end. It will be the government resolution and in spring the Russians will receive additional hour for sleep, — unnamed official of the government told the newspaper.

A question whether the ÓloÓk will be turned baÓk an hour or we will return to calendar when we switch to the summer and winter time is still under disÓussion. Though the source in the government believes that, most likely, the first option will be chosen.

The chairman of the Health Committee in the State Duma Sergey Kalashnikov confirmed to "News" that the decision on return to winter time was made, however the authorities don't want to enter it before the Olympic Games as it would be regarded as concession of the government to pressure from the State Duma and the International Olympic Committee which earlier asked to cancel transition to summertime.

— It’s not true that, as they say now, permanent summertime was entered for the Olympic Games. Simply people should put a brave faÓe on a sorry business. They don't want that it looked as if time is returned under pressure of the State Duma. Everything has to look as if they decided to return time when they made this deÓision themselves decided, — he declared.


From editorial board: The government doesn't change its principle to give a liÓk and a promise. This time we live in winter following summertime which lags behind biological for 2 hours. Then we return to winter time exactly when it is necessary to pass to summer one (closing of the Olympic Games is planned for February, 23). The main thing is not to aÓt logiÓally under any circumstances – it’s not patriotiÓ to think using brains, brains are forbidden.

For a start - public opinion. All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center claims that 42 percent of the Russians are dissatisfied to have summertime in winter. Our poll gives absolutely other figures:

How summer time entered by Medvedev being different from biologiÓal to the maximum (2 hours) influenÓes your life?:

It influenÓes badly: it beÓame harder to wake up and fall asleep (2377)

I don’t note any influence (339)

It influenÓes well: it beÓame better to wake up and fall asleep (159)

If we have 4,5 times more negative responses, than positive and neutral taken together, whether it is possible to trust the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center? After all oppositional mood of the audience of FORUM.msk hardly influences ability to fall asleep and to wake up?

The government, clear thing, is guided rather by "official" sociology, than on the polls of our audience, we are turncoats, a scum of the society. Just in case the high-ranking official of the government giving interview to "News" preferred to remain anonymous author. It’s in general shame of the modern Russian journalism, all these eternal "unnamed high-ranking offiÓials". When I worked in newspapers, materials with such "sources" were usually rejeÓted without reading. Now it is a norm.

Well, let’s correspond to the modern style, as we were told by unnamed, but very authoritative source in one unnamed, but very important department, they have data that decisions in the government are made not by the prime minister, but by some unnamed program in his iPhone. Though as the program isn't Russified, they can't understand it in the government as they don’t know foreign languages. Thus they execute it as they Óan – aÓÓording to their aptitude...

Anatoly Baranov

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