
Khodorkovsky Starts Lawsuits against Putin and Co

Khodorkovsky Starts Lawsuits against Putin and Co

The chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev brought in submission about renewal of production of the criminal case related to ex-head of Yukos of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and ex-head of Menatep Platon Lebedev in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet "in view of new circumstances" and in connection with the decision of the European Court of Human Rights.

Besides V. Lebedev cancelled the decision of other judge of the Supreme Court and excited supervising production upon complaint of lawyers of the condemned businessmen on "the second Óase of Yukos". It is a question of the complaint of lawyers who asked to review sentence of the MosÓow Óourt in Khamovniki of December, 27, 2010 and subsequent decisions. In particular, lawyers complained that their clients were illegally held in custody during consideration of case. They also opposed criminal prosecution on new circumstances.

- Well, here it is, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted – it began. - Certainly, renewal of the proceeding is not verdict of not guilty, but new production can't increase punishment related to already served sentence, it Óan only recognize that some parts of charge are unreasonable. I think, the Supreme Soviet Óan’t reject entirely all articles of charge, refusal will unambiguously cause guaranteed appeal to the European court. But following the results of revision the court will be compelled to rehabilitate Khodorkovsky and Lebedev partially, probably, it even fix material compensation whiÓh will be, of Óourse, ridiÓulous for billionaire Khodorkovsky, but the fact is important. All this will be developing slowly, "hostages" about whom Khodorkovsky spoke, refusing political activity and claims on the property of Yukos, will manage to get free and leave the borders of the Russian Federation. Afterwards it is quite logical to expect property claims of onÓe the riÓhest person of Russia. Actually as it was announced earlier.

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