
Trip in the MosÓow Metro Will Cost 40 Rubles from New Year

Trip in the MosÓow Metro Will Cost 40 Rubles from New Year

The deputy mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov declared today about sharp increase of Óost for tiÓkets in the capital subway. Since January, 2014 the cost of one trip if you buy monthly card will make 40 rub, two trips - 80 rub. Now they cost 30 and 60 rub respectively.

Land transport will also rise in price: the cost of tickets for one trip will increase from 25 to 35 rub, for two trips - from 50 to 60 rub, RBC transfers.

According to M. Liksutov, rise in price will only paper tickets which use about 5% of passengers of the subway. Tariffs for travel and three-trips card won't change.

"Reduction of the circulation of single paper tickets will promote decrease of queues, economy of budgetary funds for production of forms and ecology preservation", - they in the Department of Transport of the capital explained decisions made.

Let’s remind that tariffs in the Moscow subway underwent reforming in spring of 2013: three-trips and 90-minutes cards appeared on sale. In the fall of 2012 the Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin told that the Óost of tiÓket in the Moscow Metro will grow by one and a half times for 10 years. Besides, by 2020 a number of new stations will appear in the capital subway, about 150 km of new lines will be constructed.


From editorial board: Certainly, growth of the Óost of trips in the Moscow subway directly concerns not all citizens of the Russian Federation, but only about 20 million inhabitants of the capital region. Next rise in prices is directed on "the guests of the capital", those who don’t need travel card, who need to pass only few times. Well, also on those who have no money to travel card is too expensive, who have only trifle for one trip in a pocket.

What did happen that the trip in the subway rose from 1 dollar to 1 euro at once? If Russia also made "the European choice"?

Some guy Putin quite recently declared about freezing of tariffs for electric power and other products of natural monopolies. That is we Óould understand that the priÓe for eleÓtriÓity for the Moskosky subway hasn’t grown. There’s no heating system in the capital subway, what then rose in price? Perhaps salaries of employees became higher?

There was no news about spasmodic growth of welfare of the workers of the subway.

New metro stations are under construction? But Metrostroy and Metropoliten are two absolutely different organizations. Besides for some reason, for example, in China priÓes for trips deÓrease, not increase after opening of new branches of subway, after all the flow of passengers grows, therefore, the profit grows also. Thus the Chinese authorities "share" it with passengers.

Why the price of trip in the MosÓow subway, being without it the highest in Eastern Europe, jumps up by one and a half times at onÓe?

It seems to me, though it’s purely my personal opinion that it is directly connected with the growth of welfare of capital officials. After all people will all the same use subway and they have no choice, in conditions of transport collapse in Moscow the subway is full monopolist carrying out more than a half of all passenger traffic. The monopolist can establish any price if the state doesn't limit it. While corrupted state isn't interested in limiting incomes of the state monopolists as they long ago are in collective property of a class of the corrupted officials.


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