
Mine Zenkovskaya. They Will Pay to You with Flour and Sugar. If They Consider It NeÓessary

Mine Zenkovskaya. They Will Pay to You with Flour and Sugar. If They Consider It NeÓessary
á. Zimbovsky 17.12.2013

22.10.2013 We were brought together in the assembly hall and declared that our mine was liquidated, - the miners earlier working in the mine Zenkovskaya tell.

Workers asked the director of JSC “Mine Zenkovskaya” Mr. Pleshivtsev I.N:

- Who is the owner of the mine?

- When the debts on salary will be repaid? (some didn’t receive salary starting from May)

- Why the mine is closed? (as the miners explained to the author of the article, the mine is "young", it is possible

to extract coal within several years)

- Why closing of the mine is carried out with violation of the law? (under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the worker has to be notified about dismissal two months prior to it in writing, he has to receive dismissal wage. Nothing from it was done)

Neither the director Pleshivtsev I.N., nor the competitive managing director Lazarevich E.V., nor the director of JSC “Mine Zenkovskaya” Shpilko found distinct answer to these questions.

However, if "defective managers" have to give any answers, it is possible simply to show the door. They showed it. At that defective misters transferred two hundred workers who were dismissed to the mine Dzerzhinka, other 350 were left in the basket, without any grant and, I’ll remind, with big debts on salary. I think there’s no need to explain that it isn’t simple to find new work to the miner in the city where all mines are getting Ólosed.

Miners addressed the Territorial organization of labor union of coal miners, the prosecutor of the city, labour inspection. Everywhere they were given one answer that everything is correct, everything is under the law.

Miners tried to retain a lawyer. The lawyer at first agreed, but on next day refused to ÓonduÓt Óase without explaining the reasons.

However, one of the state instances condescended to the needs of miners. Namely - social security bodies. They offered those miner's families which were considered the most needing seÓond-hand things and bags of flour and sugar (instead of the salary and dismissal wage the employer didn’t pay).

For some reason "favoured" swore a lot and refused from such help.

Naturally, so "respeÓtful" attitude of the power towards miners left them one way out – the street. Meetings next to the mine began.

On November, 22 the mayor of Prokopevsk in the presence of the chief of the Ministry for Interior of Prokopevsk declared to miners that the salary would be paid (in reality they paid the debts only for September).

A meeting which took place on December, 3 nobody from authorities deigned to visit, except police. Police officers convinced miners that they held unauthorized meeting and had to disperse.

On December, 18 miners plan to go to the meeting with presidential envoy on human rights in the Kemerovo region. Further aÓtions will be planned depending on what he will say.

While this material was in the proÓess of preparation we reÓeived information from Prokopevsk that miners got part of salary for October. Not really big part, different miners received from one quarter to the one tenth of what they earned.

Additional info:

8-985-224-37-95 – Vera Shikhova

8-905-537-22-99 / 8-916-737-10-33

– álexander Zimbovsky

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