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It's Proposed to Delete Human Rights from the Constitution and Enter State Ideology

It's Proposed to Delete Human Rights from the Constitution and Enter State Ideology

The deputy from the fraction “United Russia” Evgeny Fedorov prepared preliminary bill on amendments into the country Constitution. One of the amendments of the document ("Izvestia" has this document in its disposal) is related to cancelation of the 1st chapter of the Constitution, item 2, art.13 "No ideology may be established as state or obligatory one".

The second change is devoted to item 4, art. 15 in which it’s offered to refuse from generally recognized principles and norms of the international law as a part of the legal system of the Russian Federation.

The third change is already related to the 2nd chapter of the Constitution "Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen". It’s proposed to delete words about principles and norms of the international law as guarantee of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen of Russia from item 1, art. 17.

I completely agree with comrade Fedorov!

Let's start from the end: the 2nd chapter of the Constitution "Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen" isn't observed today in the Russian Federation, completely. The international law doesn't help. Therefore it’s possible to cancel chapter 2 from the basic law in general, having left only one article of approximately following content: "Rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation are present or absent at the discretion of administration".

As to the generally recognized principles and norms of the international law as a part of legal system of the Russian Federation - who in general “have recognized” them? Perhaps that fighter of OMON who beats you on the head saying: "So, you don’t like Putin?" So, if we need generally recognized principles at all? They should have started whipping, tearing nostrils and put us on the rack long ago. To return to the roots, so to say, to sources and spiritual braces. Rack is the strongest from all spiritual braces.

As to the item 2, art. 13 - it should be not cancelled, but be stated differently: "Absence of ideology may be established as state or obligatory".

In fact what ideology do we have now in the Russian Federation? No ideology! So, let it be fixed in the Constitution.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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