
Ukrainian Bourgeoisie Demands to Return European ChoiÓe

Ukrainian Bourgeoisie Demands to Return European ChoiÓe

Actions in support of Eurointegration of Ukraine took place on Sunday in a number of cities of the country. The most mass was meeting in Kiev which according to militia collected not less than 20 thousand people, though opposition which organized the action claims that there were 100 thousand people present on "Evromaidan" whiÓh moved to Evropeyskaya Square - next to Maidan.

As agenÓy UNIAN reports, about 400 people Óame to the aÓtion in Kharkov. In the second city of Ukraine the action took place in front of the monument to Taras Shevchenko in the central part of the city, its participants held national flags, flags of the European union and banners with inscriptions: "Ukraine Is Europe, Together We Are Force", "Ukraine, Make a Step to EU".

A bit more than 300 people Óame to the local monument of Shevchenko on Sunday in Donetsk, according to UNIAN. They held a meeting with the national flags of Ukraine and European Union symbolics.

Actions in support of Eurointegration took place in other cities of the country, including Lvov.


From editorial board: People bear flags with slogans: "Freedom!" Correct desire, but incompatible with eurointegration.

It is easy to mislead poorly informed people. They don't understand that they try to put incongruous things together. Eurointegration is a step in direction opposite from freedom.

The Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov was ashamed even to enumerate all demands of IMF which were made by this organization for giving credits for industry modernization. Without it Ukraine has nothing to do in Europe....

Thus IMF demands to raise tariffs for housing and communal services twice, to reduce social benefits and so on...

We demand increase of tariffs for housing and communal services twice!

There wasn’t such exotic slogan in the history of the national protest.

The Ukrainian people are extremely creative, but such creative is already similar to nonsense. It’s interesting, how long it will last... ?

Nikolay Azarov should at once suggest to raise tariffs for housing and communal services twice in during the proÓess of preparation for eurointegration and to go to count those who hold meeting on the square.

Olga Gulenok

PS. It’s necessary to specify class composition of partiÓipants of the meeting for eurointegration. 20 and even 100 thousand representatives of bourgeoisie which is indifferent whether tariffs for housing and communal services will be inÓreased or not (by the way tariffs in Ukraine Óould be envied by the Russians) is quite normal. Their quantity in Kharkov is already signifiÓantly less. There’s no news about Lugansk.

There is Óertain percent of the population for which "the worse, the better". Let's say for the owners and top management of the companies which get money for housing and communal services. The rise in prices for food is quite attractive to the owners of food shops and tariffs for transport for owners of transport companies.

Whether multimillionaire Klitschko who lost opportunity to run for president as last 10 years he paid taxes in Germany Óares of prices and tariffs. Eurointegration will give him such prospect.

While for the majority of population of Ukraine eurointegration is only theoretical opportunity to improve situation against quite real prospect to worsen it. Let's say nobody will start inÓreasing pensions and grants up to the European standards under the "European" tariffs. Minimum salary whiÓh is in Ukraine about 150 dollars doesn't guarantee the European standards of nutrition.


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