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Elections of Mayor of Moscow Will be Rigged by Hand

Elections of Mayor of Moscow Will be Rigged by Hand

Yesterday at the session of Moscow Election Committee vice-chairman of the commission Alexey Shlenov officially confirmed information that ballot paper processing systems won't be used in elections of the Mayor of Moscow. The candidate in Mayors of Moscow from party "Yabloko" Sergey Mitrokhin expressed concern in this connection. According to him, it can testify of the beginning of preparation for mass falsifications.

In spite of the fact that Shlenov's statement was heard by all participants of the meeting and representative of the party Valery Goryachev was among them, information about it was rejected by Election Committee when correspondent of one of the news agencies asked about it.

"Ballot paper processing systems with evidence showed that their application almost excludes possibility of falsification. It’s objective instrument of fixing of the will of voters. In particular the party "Yabloko" got the highest result in elections of 2009 and 2011 from those voting stations where ballot paper processing systems were used", - Sergey Mitrokhin told.

"Today we are told that ballot paper processing systems became outdated therefore they are written off. I don't understand how they could have become outdated if they were used once in several years", - the leader of "Yabloko" is surprised. According to him, nobody complained of failures in the work of systems in last elections.

"I consider action on elimination of ballot paper processing systems as consciously directed on preparation for falsification of elections on September, 8 in Moscow", - the leader of "Yabloko" concluded.


From editorial board: I will even tell you more - falsifications will take place either with ballot paper processing systems, or without them. Mitrokhin knows about it better than others. It was he who already caught the authorities literally by hand in elections – on the polling district where Mitrokhin voted with his family no bulletin in support of “Yabloko” was found!

There was, of course, terrible scandal, bulletins on that (and only on that!) district were counted up and something like five bulletins with voices in support of “Yabloko” were "found". What of it? Nothing! It was recognized that those falsifications "didn't affect" general result of elections in any way. In fact, if that three-four forged bulletins could affect the result of total falsifications?

Though since then Mitrokhin continues to play, despite everything, this mug’s game as sound as the bell. Far not stupid man for some reason he continues playing this game.

The more so the result of Sobyanin's "elections" is known in advance and Mitrokhin obviously loses also to Navalny and Melnikov. If he has any reason to hold on this promotion? He can withdraw his candidature, threw into the face his candidate certificate and go away like hero... On the contrary! He continues playing dumb.

Does it mean that something suits him in all this comedy? That something holds him in a circle all evening long?

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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