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Future Which Hasn’t Come True

Future Which Hasn’t Come True
Sergey Israpilov 25.07.2013

In the 1990s years I had to read a large number of translated literature about problems of modern political science. Owing to specifics of work I was mostly interested in the feeling of future in the West – how our foreign colleagues see it.

One of the most interesting conclusions which I drew for myself – elite and wide expert community of the West waits for some technological revolutions which will allow to create reserve for, at least, a century of successful economic development and restoration of domination of the West. How these "technological revolutions" were seen by then? Besides ascertaining of obvious by that moment effect from synergy of computing systems and means of communication they awaited for revolution from wide circulation of composite materials as well as revolution owing to appearance of new medicines.

Revolution connected with essential lengthening of human life seemed to be more remote but even more important. Then it was expected that already in the XX researches in a number of spheres of science would allow to find theoretical ways to immortality of a person. It was supposed researchers will approach level of practical technology already in the XXI century.

I will tell at once that having started writing this article I understand quite well that from our today's knowledge of life and death doesn’t give even theoretical possibility of creation "technology of immortality". In the 1990s years I didn't read specialized works in biology or medicine, I wouldn’t have understood them even. I will emphasize that I talk here about works of political scientists, sociologists, historians, philosophers, politicians, representatives of intellectuals defining in the 1990s years "today" and constructing "tomorrow" of our world. These people, probably, understood in medicine and biology little. Though they knew the world in practice and formed its future. Therefore I attentively, sometimes on particles collected their opinions what future of the mankind would be.

Decisions to support perspective research programs were made on the basis of their opinion. Expected return from them and vision of the changing future were made on the basis of the decisions made.

Today a large number of scientific institutes all over the world carry out researches connected with the problem of overcoming of aging and death. Sometimes researches are masked by researches of a problem of cancer which is really closely connected with aging problem. There are no messages about significant practical results made as a result of these scientific researches.

It seems that the greatest successes mankind achieved in genetics. Studying of genome of person showed good progress, though there are no practical and significant results for solution of the problem of immortality. It seems, even at the level of theoretical probability researches reached deadlock: it appeared that it’s possible to solve immortality problem only genetically having modified person. That is only having stopped existence of human race. While medical researches within the frames of medical centers, specialized scientific institutes and universities didn't give significant progress at all.

Solution of the problem of body mass or gravitation overcoming was expected to be the second mega-revolution. In particular, if they succeeded "to eliminate" mass, it would allow to solve power problems of mankind forever.

I think enormous forces were involved in that sphere – while at the level of theoretical science. One of the examples – creation of a huge hadron collider in Switzerland. The success in search of Higgs boson - supposedly "atom of gravitation" would open new theoretical horizons for science and practical activities of person. In particular, solution of the mass problem would open horizons for settling of other planets of the Galaxy.

Probably twenty years is not big term for such major problems. It is possible that the 1990s years in the West – time of unlimited optimism caused by the most "full" decade for all its history. The fact remains. Those problems not only weren't solved, but they failed even to approach theoretical creation of conditions.

Meanwhile mankind continues to reap fruits of the previous, quite "old" technological revolution which started in the 1960s from appearance of the first available computers.

Owing to the progress of the computer equipment, development of humanity was overturned "inside a person" - to creation of new gadgets capable to solve problem of washing of brains more and more effectively and to more and more effective advertizing of all new gadgets. The world is located in a pocket – but all these achievements are virtual and don't improve real human life in any way. Hopes to get new materials or on break in medicine didn't come true. In the 1990s years it seemed that these production cycles had been already taking place. New materials and new drugs of course appeared but they simply replace previous and have no effect of "new technological way" in any way.

For now in the political plan the West more and more concedes to the growing economy of the East. Today, against science progressing in Asia it’s evident that if important breakthroughs on the problem of gravitation and immortality would be made, they won’t made in the USA or Europe, it would be China.

If mankind has hope of immortality, of conquest of other planets, of final decision of power problems, it would encourage tired old world of America and Europe and would inhale new life in the international competition.

It seems to me that if the Soviet Union remains till now, at the level of development of theoretical science by that time, our country could have made serious contribution to the solution of these two mega-tasks. If, of course, they could be solved in general.

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