Кто владеет информацией,
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Zuckerberg Will Give Us the Internet and the Government Will Switch off Light and Hot Water

Zuckerberg Will Give Us the Internet and the Government Will Switch off Light and Hot Water

Mark Zuckerberg submitted new project under the name Internet.org which aim is connection of five billion people who now don't have access to the Network to the Internet. Story about the project is published on Zuckerberg's page on Facebook website.

"Our mission within nine years was merger of the world. Now we united over billion people, but to unite other five billions it’s necessary to solve more serious problem: vast majority of people has no access to Internet. I concentrated on it because I consider that it is one of the most serious problems of our generation", - the founder of Facebook wrote.

Zuckerberg published "draft of the development of the Internet" in which he described efforts which should be applied by the branch necessary to for connection of people who don't have access to Internet resources. In particular, participants of the project (among which are Samsung, Nokia, Opera Software and other large companies) will have to make reduction in cost of Internet access, to get engaged in the development of cheap smartphones and network infrastructure. Developers of application are offered to simplify them to reduce traffic consumption.


From editorial board: You shouldn't meditate on whether planetary project of Zuckerberg will succeed or not. Maybe not, but it’s rather probable that it will turn out, but partly which is actually quite a lot. I would estimate definition of a problem, its scale. Then I would compare it to plans of our innovators – how to reorganize housing and communal services to rob old men and women blind. Or how could we sell more oil and gas to get dressed and undressed better.

Do you understand? Foolish American boy who was lucky to earn billion on Facebook want to connect 5 billion unknown personally to him people to Worldwide network. While highly educated Russian innovators - how to steal billion, no matter using housing and communal services, or reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater.

Feel difference - each handbill of the Bolshoi Theater now has a structure of the Board of Trustees printed on it, that is names of those whom was lucky to enter "Medvedev's politburo" and to join this very billion. Though what Board of Trustee the State (!!!) Bolshoi academic theatre could have in general? It can have only one trustee - the state.

Our innovators brought their innovation here, only god knows how many they took, may be it will be clear once if the prosecutor's office becomes interested.

Internet access ends already in New Moscow, absolutely no one is interested in it, unless Zuckerberg will suddenly come and make an access. Then he will get tax claims to the utmost. Because it’s forbidden everywhere in our country even to bring with you and to drink, while it’s possible to take away everything you can.

Meanwhile innovative enthusiasm of our government is concentrated on introduction of social norms of consumption of electricity and water. Though I believe by the time when Zuckerberg will finish his project, they will enter social norm of consumption of the Internet...


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