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Will They Start Revival of Caliphate in Sevastopol?

Will They Start Revival of Caliphate in Sevastopol?

Forbidden in many countries of the world Islamic organization "Hizb ut-Tahrir" will hold the international forum in Sevastopol. Action under the name "Islamic Appeal on the Former Soviet Union Territory and "Hizb ut-Tahrir": Realities and Challenges" will pass on October, 7-8. Representatives of the movement from different countries will take part in it.

The Crimean officials are among guests invited to the forum, however, it’s not specified who exactly can become the participant of the congress. Organizers plan to tell the guests about party activity in the world and on the former Soviet Union territory and to present its tasks. Organization Hizb ut-Tahrir which officially wasn't registered in Ukraine has the task of revival of Caliphate.

Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami is considered terrorist organization in a number of states of Central Asia, Germany and in Russia.

Security Council of Ukraine established that supporters of the organization Hizb ut-Tahrir carry out active propaganda among Muslim society in the territory of the Crimea, especially among youth related to "the help to Syria".

"It is illegal. Security Council reacts sharply to such cases", - they emphasize in the department.

Let's remind that the ambassador of Syria in Ukraine Mohamed Said Akil declared that citizens of Ukraine are at war on the side of insurgents in Syria. In particular, Crimean Tatars. A bit later Majlis confirmed words of the Syrian diplomatic official.


From editorial board: Ukraine is free country and it has the right to give opportunity to every organizations to hold events in its territory. Though the state of Ukraine has to have own state interests and it’s quite silly to act contrary to these interests.

Conference of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Sevastopol is provocation. Provocation means action urged to cause certain reaction. Many times Hizb ut-Tahrir held events in Simferopol, but it is the capital of the Crimean autonomy where essential part of the population consists of the Crimean Tatars, and carrying out of conferences of the Islamic organization, even radical one, is quite proved there. While Sevastopol is the part of the Crimea only geographically, in administrative sense it’s separate formation inside Ukraine, it has little relation to the problems of the Crimean Tatar community. That is there’s some small Crimean Tatar population in the city, but it’s not something isolated, it’s simply part of citizens. There are Muslims in the city, but it is impossible to call them oppressed or somehow restrained part of the population. Ordinary citizens.

Whether it’s necessary to add one more problem to the existing problems of Sevastopol?

Hizb ut-Tahrir intends to build Caliphate. It isn't very original, orthodox empire is political and state ideal of Orthodox Church. Though modern orthodox is certain abstraction and Hizb ut-Tahrir builds Caliphate quite seriously. Let's say supporting Islamic fighters in Syria and in every country where they resist to "disbelievers" with lethal force in general.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is against capitalism, but one shouldn’t get under delusion - communism for them is not less hated. Actually, Islamists offer "the third way", the Islamic state, Caliphate. The Ottoman Empire which ceased to exist in 1924 was the last Caliphate, for supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir it’s the most mournful date.

It is true that the Ottoman Empire during its blossoming was some kind of the first "social state", but it was "socialism" which had grown directly from feudal way and it’s impossible to return to it, it’s utopia. There’s no pleasure to live in "a feudal socialism" for the modern person. Though I talk abstractly.

Modern age looks uneasily – conference of supporters of restoration of Caliphate takes place in the territory which was torn away from this Caliphate in favor of the Russian Empire, it happens against strengthening of secular and Islamic mode in the Republic of Turkey, where generals are sent to prison as it used to be in Russia of 1937, against visit of the Turkish fleet to Sevastopol with the purpose to bow to the graves of the Turkish soldiers liberators. According to conditions of the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji, in case of transfer of this territory from Russia to other state (to Ukraine in this case), this territory has to be immediately returned to Turkey. Not to the Republic of Turkey which doesn't apply for it, namely to the Ottoman Empire, Caliphate. Hizb ut-Tahrir spares no efforts to revive it.

If Ukraine has no direct interests in it, a question whether this state has state interests at all arises?

By the way, half of the territory of modern Ukraine entered into that Caliphate in the 18 century.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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