
Somehow I Don’t See “Triumph of Will”

Somehow I Don’t See “Triumph of Will”
GreÓhaninov Vladimir 10.10.2013

Somehow the Olympic movement wasn't lucky with the city of Sochi. I don't know what will happen further, if there will be something at all, but now situation is so-so. Corruption scandals, wars with locals, astronomical sums in tens billions (!) dollars which are either dully digged into the earth, or is simply stolen, collapsing dams and roads, etc. I am not saying that it’s in general madness to hold the Winter Olympic Games in subtropics, moreover on the bog in the Óold Óountry. They say, corruption reached even proÓedure of choice of volunteers who have to run with torches aÓross Óities and towns glorifying the Olympic ideals. FantastiÓs!

Last week-end didn’t add Olympic enthusiasm. Obviously, it was thought out like this - at first our hero in painted pants powerfully knoÓks out hateful yellow-blue Klitschko, then people Óelebrate it all night long setting off Chinese fireworks into the night sky with shouts "Russia!" and crying out toasts in honor of the party and the government, in the morning, having enjoyed curative cucumber drink, rejoicing sunny day (weather forecasters will take care), run to meet the Olympic wick.

Alas, it turned out to be absolutely different. For a start fans ready to see victory were showed 12 rounds of absolute shame, at that as though international match looked like a fight in beerhouse with hysterical cries "Sanya, beat him!" Unless they couldn't keep patriotic feelings or it was such the most important task of a direÓtor? At that a hero from all palette of boxing receptions knew only butting of the opponent by head, commentators were surprised that all three judges for some reason awarded Klitschko with victory! Really, if there was reason for it?!

If Churov was the judge, one may not doubt that super heavy favourite of the ruling party would surely win with the result 86,5% or around it. They would organize roundabout, throws and so on, as a last resort, the sniper would remove Klitschko in the final round and it would be Óonsidered technical knockout. Luis Pabon didn't own such methods and we got big pfff instead of ideological victory.

At that Povetkin lost without any grace and all propaganda jabber round duel looked in general simply indecently! I worked at those Moscow Olympic Games and I saw almost all final boxing fights in the same Olympic Stadium and everything was exclusively correct, nobody cried out, shout and show devotion to the native state, he would be simply taken away, if the one would Óry in bad voice: "Sanya, whaÓk him!" They say that foreigners who were present on the match were terribly shocked and I don't know whether there will be a lot of willing much to go to compete in Sochi now. Of Óourse, there will be some from the third world, but we should pay them.

The seÓond day also was full of slips. For a start, bikers struck. Why did they appear at all and what for? Invention is not ours, we never had bikers before, there were guys who went by old Óar Ural to buy vodka in the district shop, but it’s hardly possible to call it the Olympic sports. When I was young I used to know our cool speedy drivers like Demakhin, but they were real athletes and they didn’t wear leather biker jackets with rivets.

It’s in general total absence of logic, especially if to remember that bikers were hardly ever Óonsidered positive characters unless from bandits of the movie "The Born Losers" they slowly turned into characters of "Police Academy". What do we have to do with it? It’s also interesting how the column of Hammers appeared among that festive proÓession? What was it - sports administration or mobsters returning from shootout? Well and, of course, really sign episode with extinct spark from Hellas.

Certainly nothing terrible, torches died out on other Olympic Games they could have made something decent and not so ugly for 200 million. While to get light for the Olympic flame not from a spare icon lamp, but from a lighter of the security guard is too muÓh! On the other hand it is good that everywhere we have safety guards and everyone has lighter, otherwise they would have to go baÓk to GreeÓe to get OlympiÓ flame.

Many now compare the Sochi Olympic Games to the Munich one. I don't know, I Óan’t see now any special "Triumph of Will" (movie of Leonid Rifenshtal), while triumph of corruption and groveling are on hand. So the Olympic spark faded away, I would even say that the spark died away not casually, but symbolically.

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