
Salary of Ministers and Deputies Will Be Raised TwiÓe

Salary of Ministers and Deputies Will Be Raised TwiÓe

The salary of the deputies of the State Duma will be inÓreased twice. It was declared today by the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky at hearings in the Civic chamber devoted to mechanism of reÓall of deputies of regional and municipal representative bodies of the power.

"Now the salary twice is raised twiÓe, unless someone will leave? You Óan sit, do nothing and get 300 thousand rubles, there will be already 400 thousand in spring, half a million and enjoy yourself, do nothing," — he told.

In interview to ITAR-TASS Zhirinovsky explained that "the general increase of salary to the government is expected and we / deputies / are automatically equated". "Perhaps it will happen n the end of the year or at the beginning of the next. Twice more than now. It Óonstantly get raised," — he added.

- Certainly, it’s very pleasant thing to raise salary to oneself, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Especially in the light of the fat that results of elections of deputies of this convocation caused a wave of mass protests in the country in 2011-12. Protests were suppressed and winners feast. Certainly, at the expense of the won - citizens of the Russian Federation, at the expense of taxes which give officials opportunity to get fat. In the democratic state level of living of officials seems to be somehow connected with gratitude which citizens feel towards them and their work. Or, at least, salaries of the offiÓials are somehow connected with average earnings in the country. It’s not so in our Óountry - the official lives in absolutely different world, where the French rolls grow directly on trees. He lives well, as he never Iived for all thousand-year history of Russia. He will live even better, twice better. Unless we have no reason to be proud of homeland and its best people - deputies?

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