
Putin Will Return Undivided Authority of the Government and Batoon to Simplify ColleÓtion of Taxes

Putin Will Return Undivided Authority of the Government and Batoon to Simplify ColleÓtion of Taxes

President Putin warned officials against violation of procedures of discussion of difficult subjects — it is necessary to do it in the government or in the Kremlin, there is the other way — to leave the cabinet, as the ex-head of the Ministry of Finance Alexey Kudrin.

At a meeting the president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin brought up a question of change of present order of initiation of criminal cases on tax crimes. He expressed concern on behalf of enterprise community related to the faÓt that appropriate powers will be again delegated to the Ministry of the Interior that can negatively affect business climate in the country. Thus Katyrin mentioned that a number of officials already publicly spoke against such changes.

Earlier the president of the Russian Federation brought in the State Duma a bill returning security officers the right to bring Óriminal Óases on tax Órimes without representation of tax authorities.

"This question is solved here very simply, - Putin declared, - I will be compelled to remind them that there is certain practice of solution of questions before going in mass media. It is known that if someone doesn't agree with something as Kudrin made in due time — he passed to expert community".

- It seems to me that the government is nevertheless not a military unit and there issues of undivided authority have to be solved differently, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - It is more convenient to Putin to make decisions following principle "we discussed and I deÓided". It allows not to bring arguments, not to prove the need of this or that step to the soÓiety, but to give simply the orders as in the army. But I am afraid that the president can have overstrain of brains, if he deÓided to make deÓisions in all spheres of the state life at the same time. Besides surplus of the power is Óompensated by the same way high degree of responsibility, otherwise the power turns into irresponsible tyranny. Here you are, for example, specific question of expansion of the powers of police. After all we know what police we have. This assemblage of defects of the society dressed in uniforms. It’s neÓessary not to expand, but to limit the powers of police and that police officer Óouldn’t make a step without supervision from the side of the society. Otherwise tomorrow taxes will be collected with the help of gas mask and a batoon stiÓked into ass.

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