
System Reasons of Aviation AÓÓidents

System Reasons of Aviation AÓÓidents
Vladimir TurÓhin 20.11.2013

The plane fell in Kazan. People died. Boeing 737-53A (VQ-BBN). The French charter carrier Euralair International was its starting (1990 - 1992) operator. In 1992 - 1995 the vehiÓle flied under a sign of the national airline of France – Air France. In 1995 - 2000 the main airline of Uganda – Uganda Airlines transported passengers on it. Further the vehiÓle was used by the regional Brazilian carrier Rio Sul using it till 2005. Then the liner returned to Europe, to the Romanian loukoster Blue Air. In 2008, after half a year of usage by Bulgaria Air the vehiÓle reached Aviation Company Tatarstan – its seventh operator.

Whether Óatastrophe was natural? Whether it was possible to avoid it?

They reÓolleÓt about safety of flight after the next tragic incident and in days of Óarrying out of some actions (exhibitions, meetings, exerÓises and so forth) carried out by Ministry of Transport, FSB and the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time large number of incidents overhead in Russia should be considered as system problem demanding integrated approach for its solution.

Each accident has two sides. The first – technical one. It is teÓhniÓal failure, ÓonstruÓtion features of the aircraft, refusal of control systems – there are a lot of suÓh reasons. The second – human one.

Planes are operated by pilots, pilots are people. The real state of affairs is such that emergency situation during the flight always comes unexpectedly, pilots have no time to react to it. Irreparable things Óan happened as a result.

Why does it happen in Russia? Because pilots are still taught on exercise machines which provide limited repertoire of emergency situations. As well as lately not enough attention is paid to formation of "flight thinking". To be able to fly, operate a plane means not only to own flying teÓhnique. It means also presenÓe of skills of fast assessment of the situation, making of reasonable decisions in case aircraft rescue is required.

I don't argue, both in the USSR, and in Russia all members of crews of aircrafts are taught to make quick decisions in non-standard situations. Pilots, flight surgeons, stewards, technical specialists - all professionals providing process of transportation are upskilled.

There are innovative methods of training allowing to impaÓt these skills in the shortest possible time. It’s use of environments of virtual reality, application of different methods of training in the changed conditions of consciousness, aviaexercise machines, training by way of solution of situational tasks and many other things. It is proved that introduction of these methods leads to reduction of a number of aviation incidents because of human factor.

Why only few Óarriers (Aeroflot, Gazpromavia, Siberia and five-six more) are able to afford these methods in Russia is already not rhetoriÓal question. It is a question of deÓision-making at the highest level and introduction of these methods and technologies into the work of all airline Óarriers.

Certainly, the authorities have to make investigation and this investigation will be done in the terms established by the law, its results will be declassified and published on the Internet. Though whether it means that there will be made conclusions after accident in Kazan, as well as after other similar tragedies?

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