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Ukraine Ended with Gas

Ukraine Ended with Gas

Since Friday “Naftogaz Ukraine” completely stopped gas purchase from "Gazprom", Central Dispatch Office of Fuel and Energy Complex reports. In October "Naftogaz" received 3,2 billion cubic meter of gas, on the average 104 million cubic meter per day. From the first days of November purchase fell twice, on November, 6 and 7 purchase were estimated already in unambiguous sizes (approximately 9 million cubic meter per day) and since November, 8 import stopped.

It is logical. After signing of the Agreement on Association with EU the need of the Ukrainian industry for gas has to be reduced sharply and Ukraine gets quite enough for needs of housing and communal services. It’s the end to gas wars because of absence of gas.

Today's leader of opposition Yatsenyuk make hysterics: events of last days testify that V. Yanukovych doesn't intend to sign the Agreement on Association with the European Union. "They want to break off plans of Vilnius. They don’t want to free Timoshenko… Actually it’s scenario intended to break off plans of Vilnius. It is a catastrophe for 40-million state", - A.Yatsenyuk declared.

More than that, he considers that if negotiations which V. Yanukovych and V. Putin had are secret, it can be the basis for impeachment of the president. "If the head of the state holds secret negotiations with the head of other state, it is the direct basis for impeachment of such president", - A.Yatsenyuk emphasized.

There’s no one against... But Ukraine is not now at war with Russia, therefore negotiations of two presidents can’t be in any way called high treason. Protocol violation maximum.

While if Yanukovych actually breaks off Agreement on Association, why he interrupts gas contract with Russia? If he signs agreement, then hysterics is clear - Yanukovych carries out "the European choice". However, Julia will still remain imprisoned and Arseny - the leader of opposition. What’s the reason for hysterics? One should be happy...

However, it’s still interesting what the question of discussions of Putin and Yanukovych was. The Ukrainian president was simply obliged to make some offers sweetening pill. While the Russian should get satisfied or not. In the final analyses Ukraine all the same remains without gas and Russia without Ukraine. Meanwhile Ukraine doesn’t have money and Russia won't give.

Perhaps Yanukovych sold Gas Transportation Center? Or something like it that will give Ukraine enough money and Russia control over it? Though I doubt very much...


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