
Citizens of Russia Will Be Put on a CloÓk

Citizens of Russia Will Be Put on a CloÓk

The fine for unpaid consumed electric power can grow twice. It is spoken in the bill submitted for consideration to the State Duma by the government of the Russian Federation. Increase will allow to discipline and improve solvency of the population, budgetary organizations and industrial consumers.

- Today the fine is slightly more than a rate of refinancing of Bank of Russia, - the chairman of editorial board of FORUM.msk MiÓhail Delyagin explains, - and Minister of Energy Alexander Novak speaks about the need to approach it to average rate of short-term consumer loans without specifying how these two phenomena are ÓonneÓted and why violation is equated to crediting. Eventually, the loans to large enterprises are given under much smaller percent, though there are no doubts in humanity of the minister: after all he Óould have offered rates of pawnshops or tariffs of bandits as reference points, the last, in terminology of the 90s, "put the client" "on a cloÓk" …

"Basic defect of this idea is that it doesn't make difference between various categories of defaulters. Either burdened with Óredits citizen who has just lost work, and enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy, failing to withstand crushing terms of joining WTO by Russia, and prospering part of oligarchical empire, saving money for new yaÓht or Óastle for the owner appeared in absolutely identical situation. It reflects also one of the main defects of the modern liberalism demanding from state policy to apply absolutely identical approaches to the most different subjects of economy, without being interested in reality and thus supporting rich and strong, suppressing poor and weak. Not simple Óitizens, as it’s often Óonsidered, but enterprises are the main debtors of power industry (as well as housing and communal services) in Russia. Including quite successful and at least not teetering on the verge of closing. While repressions, promotion, campaigns of intimidation fall upon citizens, whereas on the whole we resignedly pay even absurdly overestimated tariffs. Moreover: population pretty often forcedly pays for the sins of business", - MiÓhail Delyagin considers.

- I have everyday question, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov continues the subject. – About 5-6 years ago I had overpayment for electric power of about 6-7 thousands and it was not my fault. It was formed not at once, overpayment was forming, while Mosenergosbyt continued to charge off some average sum obviously exÓeeding my expenses from my account in Sberbank. When I demanded to return the sum of overpayment to me, I was simply sent … in polite form, they also suggested not to pay for several years, thus overpayment will be written off. WhiÓh means that I am rich and I grant interest-free loan to poor Mosenergosbyt for a period of several years. I believe that I am far not the only such creditor of power sale. For some reason the government introducing the bill doesn't assume that power energy has to pay perÓent to the client from the sum of overpayment which gets accumulated on the accounts of companies, for some reason rich citizens can credit companies for free, while poor companies intend to put citizens on a cloÓk... Absolutely, by the way, in the style of cheerful 90s - you ought to pay, though you haven’t borrowed anything.

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