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Only Rich People Will Have Pension

Only Rich People Will Have Pension

On Thursday the government approved a number of bills on pension reform defining formula according to which they will pay off pension of the Russians since 2015. The projects presented by the department provided mitigation of conditions which are needed to be observed to get the right to labor pension. Though, despite of easing, experts speak that 25% of citizens will not pass new filter provided by approved formula. Therefore they will lose the right to have labor pension.

According to the document, it’s supposed to establish login threshold at a level of 30 points. It will be necessary to save up this sum during all labor activity to acquire the right to pension. For this purpose it will be necessary to work within 30 years paying contributions from one minimum wage (minimum wage rate for 2014 is established at a level of a little more than 5,5 thousand rubles). In 2015 login threshold will be already at the level of 6,6 points, to 2021 it will make 10 points, to 2025 it will be increased to 30 points. That is the most rigidly it will concern those who are 43–48 years and younger. They will start retiring on pension in 2025.

Experts consider that mitigation has ostentatious character, the fact of introduction of such far-fetched restriction as gaining of certain number of points is dangerous. Two filters which operate today are enough to establish the right of citizens on pension — age and working life. The first establishes that men can receive labor pension on reaching 60 years and women — 55 years. The second filter defines minimum quantity of years during which citizen has to carry out labor activity. Today it is five years, but within pension reform it will be increased till 15 years.

Threshold provided by such system is insuperable for people having small earnings. Even if they will work more than 30 years occupying thus low-paid position, they risk to stay without pension. Million citizens are in a zone of risk.

Only by Rosstat data over 350 thousand Russians officially get paid below living wage. Many women who are working on homework won’t pass filter threshold. The same refers to those who have part-time job and others.

- Pension is for the rich, everything keeps within logic of the government, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Income tax in our country has been formed at the expense of the poor long ago, facilitating thus life of the rich, not casually Depardieu moved to Russia and Steven Seagal thinks of it. Now bourgeois state forming the budget at the expense of the poor will pay pensions only to those who earn good money. It is better that the poor don’t get pension at all, it will mean big economy. The Ministry of Health judging by statistics works on it, they quite succeed in it.

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