
Falling to PieÓes Kosenko’s Case Was Saved by SpeÓial Mental Institution

Falling to PieÓes Kosenko’s Case Was Saved by SpeÓial Mental Institution
GreÓhaninov Vladimir 09.10.2013

Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow recognized Mikhail Kosenko insane and sent him to compulsory treatment. Thereby it invisibly returned us to the times of political psychiatry and designated new-old horizons for fight against dissidents. Or, in other words, against dissatisfied whose number at present untalented thieves' power will only grow. Accept congratulations, storm of applause!

It’s neÓessary here, of course, to say something sublime, like that today judge Moskalenko pronounced sentence not only to Kosenko, but to all our society and so on... The matter is that sentence was pronounced to Kosenko and to, maybe, one-two hundred not indifferent citizens (here you are the report) who came to support Mikhail and, despite hissin of bailiffs, loudly chanted "Freedom, freedom!" All others remained indifferent.

In faÓt they are right! After all if you trust the national leader, vote for United Russia and support our hero in painted boxing pants, nothing bad will happen to you, isn’t it? Even if something will happen, it will be already lateto do something. So, have good luck at Óountry houses! Storm of applause passing to ovation, all get up and with all the might sing anthem with words wrote by comrade Mikhalkov.

In other::