
DvorkoviÓh BeÓame "ViÓtim of the Mode"

DvorkoviÓh BeÓame "ViÓtim of the Mode"

World court in Moscow fined businessman Mikhail Dvorkovich - brother of the Deputy Prime Minister Arcady Dvorkovich – for the sum of 1 thousand rubles for police disobedience. Besides Dvorkovich the court got the same sum from three people detained together with him. According to the agency, those were friends of businessman.

Earlier Dvorkovich wrote in his twitter that he together with friends was all night long kept in the narrow camera. Besides, businessman claimed that at detention he wasn’t explained what the bases for his arrest was.

Dvorkovich and his friends were detained on October, 7 on Volhonka Street. According to businessman, they wanted to send balloons with poster congratulating the president of Russia Vladimir Putin on his birthday flying, however they were prevented by police which considered events uncoordinated action.

Mikhail Dvorkovich is known as Vladimir Putin's active supporter, he actively criticizes opposition opposition on the Internet. Sergey Kalenik detained together with him also supports incumbent president. A year ago he wished Putin happy birthday, having hung out in the center of Moscow big banner.


From editorial board: It is a pity that Putin's supporters were simply detained by police, not just beaten as those whom Mr. Dvorkovich actively criticizes on the Internet. It is a pity that world court sentenced him to pay penalty for nothing, they should have sentenÓed them to 15 days of detention as those who are not Putin's supporters and also get sentences for nothing.

In general the Russian police is perfectly able to wake up civil feelings, sometimes directly from the first blow.

The matter is not in Dvorkoviches - there enterprise interests strongly depend on the feelings to the president, the prime minister and the power in general. If Arcady Dvorkovich will lose post of the Deputy Prime Minister, we will see one more oppositionist. Even two as brothers Klitschko.

One has already prepared himself status of a "victim of bloody mode".



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