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Sobyanin Finally Won Elections of Sobyanin

Sobyanin Finally Won Elections of Sobyanin
Baranov Anatoly 10.09.2013

The Central Election Commission finished processing of all protocols of precinct election commissions worked during elections of the Mayor of Moscow. According to the results of vote, victory was won by Sergey Sobyanin who gathered 51,37 percent of votes. Thus, elections came to the end in one round. According to the Central Election Commission, the second place was taken by Alexey Navalny with the result 27,24 percent of votes. Ivan Melnikov who got 10,69 percent of votes also makes the top three.

Sergey Mitrokhin got 3,51 percent, Mikhail Degtyaryov - 2,86 percent and Nikolay Levichev - 2,79 percent.

If there were doubts? Perhaps, only the result is somehow unconvincing. The second round looked very probable.

On the other hand some A.Baranov wrote long ago that there’s no direct link between lowering of pieces of paper into ballot boxes and the result which is given out by election commission. I don't believe that real Muscovites, even pensioners, even fed with sprats and green peas could vote for some obscure "reindeer breeder Beldyev" – percent of votes can’t make 51,37, either 49 percent, or even 40...

We understand perfectly well that if to shake out boxes and to count pieces of paper frankly, it would turn out that Navalny won. Possibly even in the first round because it’s difficult to believe in Melnikov's 10 percent as in that bible fig which at first dried and then suddenly blossomed and fructified.

Unexpected second place of the second secretary of the regional committee of the CPRF in the Moscow region... (I will tell you now his surname and you won’t recollect him) confirms the fact of tanking of the power not only to own candidates but also "to other own guys". He got only second place - Gudkov Sr. got only the third.

I wrote long ago that elections in Khimki in October of last year when “unknown mayor” won elections "whitewash" and 8 percent (almost as Melnikov) were got by "unknown communist" would be model ones. The same way today “unknown governor” won across all Moscow area with almost 80 percent of votes and "unknown communist" took the second place.

Volodin told that there would be democracy without change of administrative board. If a boy promised, he would do it.

You shouldn’t look at Yekaterinburg where Royzman won, first of all, position of the mayor there is purely nominal, everything is solved by city manager. Secondly, now Royzman will have portrait of Urlashov before his eyes with memento mori inscription... Elections have just ended, while in situated near Moscow settlement Krivtsovo some Trunin who has become the head of the settlement is already arrested and stay now in Investigative committee.

If there’s something not clear?

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