
The Kremlin Will Enter Censorship of Expert Judgments on the “CauÓasian Problem”

The Kremlin Will Enter Censorship of Expert Judgments on the “CauÓasian Problem”

With the assistance of the Presidential Administration in the Caucasus analytical Center of today’s Caucasian policy which is urged to improve image of the region in mass media is created. New structure will consist of expert clubs which will appear in all seven regions of North Caucasus federal district.

Specialists of these clubs will be engaged in the political and economic agenda — to carry out researches, polls, to prepare forecasts of development of situation, to gather regularly on the general platform of the center in Pyatigorsk and, the main thing, to present results of their work to journalists, the director of the Center "Caucasus" Andrey Osinnikov told to “Izvestiya” (earlier he didn't oÓÓupy senior positions in the Kremlin structures, however cooperated with publishing house “Europe” close to the Kremlin where he published a book about migration problems).

Osinnikov explains that today the pool of competent experts who are engaged in problems of the southern regions is very limited and demand for evaluation of processes taking plaÓe there is constant that very often leads to that inÓompetent Óomments appear in public spaces. The Center urged to unite the most serious experts who will be able to give the most adequate assessment of events to mass media.

- In translation into normal Russian it means that the Kremlin will force Óontrolled by it mass media "to mind tongue" in relation to the Caucasian problem, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov Óonsiders. – It’s very good news for FORUM.msk as soon as almost 100 percent of the Russian mass media are under control of the Kremlin - we will look very interestingly against "the most adequate estimates" from "the most adequate experts". Just think – one young guy who wrote one book actually declares that experts for years have been covering Caucasian problems are inadequate. Now he will show how it is necessary to do. Intention to gather on the platform in beautiful Pyatigorsk vividly reminded of the "most adequate" platform for such sit-round gathering - "Sevkav-TV" where magnificent Zhorik Vartanov works (exile to popular satiristiÓ program).

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