Jury Titovich is - the author of exposing and really teeth-crushing books about "privatiZAtion!" in St.-Petersburg. Actually it is Leningrad but in a hero-city Leningrad no "privatiZAtion!" would be possible while vile barking name from German maps "St.-Petersburg" is just in place in the given situation. Shutov is in prison since 1999, there he got his backbone injured, therefore now he is partially paralyzed, moves on a invalid carriage, often loses consciousness. From pre-trial detention centre in Vyborg he was transported to Solikamsk by plane, his invalid carriage was left there, therefore in a cell Shutov constant suffers pains because it\s possible to sit only in position inconvenient even for a healthy person. By the way, Jury Titovich was elected the deputy for the second time already being in prison - a unique case.