On Saturday the first vice-premiers of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and Sergey Ivanov promised shortly to explain their positions in connection to the presidential elections in Russia in 2008, agency "Interfax" informs. At a meeting of the first vice-premiers with active workers of the proKremlin youth movement "Nashi" on the lake Seliger one of the young men asked, what campaign headquarters he should adjoin. He didn't receive a fair answer - "guess, who will win and join him". However all the same it turned out to be interesting. "It's not too long to wait. You are a young person - you will live to see for sure and if there still will be a desire, we together with Dmitry Anatolevich shall think and we shall make a decision", - Ivanov assured a young man, probably, hinting that not everyone will live till March, 2008. The good beginning for pre-election campaign.