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They Cut Down Trees in Alexander Garden…

They Cut Down Trees in Alexander Garden…

Just hemps remain instead of many trees in Alexander Garden which, however, are also disappearing. According to some mass media, old trees are cut down following initiative of the former chief of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow Vladimir Pronin who is responsible for improvement of the territories adjacent to the Kremlin in the Presidential Administration. Reconstruction of the garden is being carried out without public discussion and without visa of the Ministry of Culture and UNESCO.

Alexander Garden is known as a monument of culture and belongs to the category of works of landscape gardening art. The Kremlin, Red Square and Alexander Garden adjacent to the Kremlin — power on protection of these monuments of federal value aren't transferred to Moscow. Thus, coordination of projects in Alexander Garden should be made with the Ministry of Culture as federal body of protection of heritage. Besides, bodies of UNESCO should be involved into the matter as the Kremlin and Red Square — are monuments of the world heritage.

The Presidential Administration now tries to calm Muscovites who state bewilderment concerning mass cutting down of seemingly strong and healthy trees. It promises that new plantings will create special atmosphere at the expense of colours of flowers, fruits and foliage and landscaping, the garden will become the same way beautiful, as in 19 century.


From editorial board: We should not forget that in the person of "presidential vertical" we deal with ordinary savages who not so long ago have replaced convenient training trousers with Brioni suits. Bought diplomas and even scientific degrees don't make people more civilized. It is quite possible that they simply didn't know that cutting down of trees should be coordinated with someone. Abbreviation UNESCO is strongly associated by them with "foreign agents" and world Zionism in general. So, “we are in our right to pardon and to hang our lackeys".

If we should talk about trees? Just recently they destroyed hotel “Moskva” near Alexander Garden and then erected on the same place new one, similar, only “better, than former". Certainly, better. New - is always better, than shabby. Why they didn’t guess to take the Kremlin down and to build new, better one – from glass, concrete and bayramix on its place by means of the Turkish builders.

As to Manege Square – it was dug over right in front of our eyes, a kind of park or dancing hall was erected over it, historical view on Alexander Garden turns out to be not so historical. While it’s situated right at the corner of the garden. So, it’s already quite possible to give the Kremlin wall under advertizing, big boards can really be placed there. The stars can be replaced with turning signs "Mercedes" – they will be very much in place.

You will tell that Luzhkov is guilty of it, while Sobyanin is different? Well, no – we have already seen his experiment with historical stone blocks on Krasnaya Presnya. Mayor-tiler. There, by the way, on Red Square there’s big open space for tiled works.

Well, only yesterday Basmanny Court arrested the head of the department of treaty relation of property department of Moscow Denis Vasilyev. Earlier he, by the way, worked in the department of property relations of the Ministry of Defence as the subordinate of the known Eugene Vasilyeva. Together with the deputy general director of JSC

“Keramotsentr” Sergey Nikiforov and jobless Andrey Simonenko Mr. Vasilyev is suspected of receiving a bribe for renewal of a rent of the building.

Perhaps someone doesn't understand – it’s for us, simple citizens, simple buildings are historical, simply beautiful or not so. While for these savages, better say barbarians it’s a raw material, feeding, food supply. As in Rome after city capture by barbarians fragments of antique constructions were used as building materials for barbarous sheds. Classical example – Castel Sant Angelo – built as a label on Adrian's mausoleum, directly from its marble slabs. Well, historical center of Moscow is such big "castel". With labels in the form of "resinsky" turrets.

Perhaps I exaggerate? So, there’s one moment in the biography of the arrested high-ranking official of the Moscow city hall which struck me most of all - no, not that he was targeted in the investigation of the case with "Oboronservice", but that, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, D. Vasilyev was judged earlier for drugs according to p.2, art. 228 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation (Illegal Making, Acquisition, Storage, Transportation, Sending, or Sale of Narcotic Drugs or Psychotropic Substances).

If you understand? Tens thousands officers, honest and competent, are transferred to the reserve ahead of schedule, while they failed to find better expert for the work in the Ministry of Defense than the judged addict?

It turned out to be impossible to find specialist in work with real estate across all Moscow, except the judged addict who was taken from the Ministry of Defense?

Well and, of course, Zyuganov's son-in-law, assistant to the deputy of the State Duma (according to some information the main ideologist of the party Mr. Obukhov) in the company of bribe takers is the last chord. Zyuganov brands "the marshal – chairs maker", while his own son-in-law in the company of serdyukov’s people manipulates with the capital real estate... Money doesn't smell.

While you, citizens, talk about some trees. Such oaks grew round the Kremlin wall that no power saw "Friendship" will cope.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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