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About Orthodox Temples, Orthodox Internet and Again – About Orthodox Arithmetic

About Orthodox Temples, Orthodox Internet and Again – About Orthodox Arithmetic
Marina Verigina 19.11.2012

The most amazing things happen in our homeland since Orthodoxy came, to be more precise, overrun to our country. It is possible to call it the second Advent though total obscurantism in the country which was the first to send a man into space reminds poisoned belt from the novel of Conan Doyle if, of course, someone still reads books. So, now we will bill ourselves following God's word as GLONASS all the same ceased to exist.

Though – step by step. Few days ago I published article "Arithmetician for believers and non-believers" (http://forum-msk.org/material/kompromat/9627133.html). It was devoted to tithe which our orthodox companions persistently want to be paid from purses of all workers, there I also wrote about a number of churches in Moscow which many times exceeded the number of mosques in Cairo per capita. When Mr. Resin would erect 600 more orthodox temples, we in our secular state will be 500 (five hundred!) times better provided with cult institutions, than religious under their constitution Muslims! Here such arithmetics!

Article flew over the Internet and caused keen response, comments on some resources numbered hundreds. One more event happened just next day - the main initiator of orthodox construction Mr. Resin acted on the air of "Ekho Moskvy".

Certainly, the most interesting in his performance was the fact that leaders didn't ask Resin any inconvenient question which I and my acquaintances sent to the radio station. Namely – on what basis do they allocate the earth under construction of temples free of charge; what’s the real price of this grandiose construction; where do they get this enormous money from; who will pay; how many will be undertaken for maintenance of temples and workers of cult; why do we have illegal meetings and jugglings instead of lawful discussion of church construction, etc.

We didn't learn answers to all these questions. Instead Mr. Resin made a number of sensational revelations directly on the air. He said that every Russian, for example, by definition is orthodox and, therefore, none not orthodox can be called Russian. It’s unknown who is this person in this case. Here you are genetics, Mendel never dreamed about it. As to Mr. Resin, though he is not absolutely Russian, he is married, as he said, to Mordvinian. That is if a person with Resin's nationality marries "Mordvinian", we get two arithmetic-mean Russians as a result. Perspective formula.

The most interesting is, of course, Resin’s arithmetic. According to him, there are only 300 churches today in Moscow, 40 thousand believers account for each. It means that 12 million orthodox believers live today in the capital, that, I will notice, is more than the number of all inhabitants of our capital among which there are Russians, Azerbaijanians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Ukrainians, Armenians, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Jews, Chechens, Dagestanis, Ingushs, Georgians, Roma, Moldavians and other people. At that possible orthodox - Russians and Ukrainians - make about 40%. If to take statistics of attendance of churches at Easter of the Ministry for Interior into consideration, we will get two hundred thousand real believers in the capital. As to the number of churches, there are not 300, but 535 of them, this figure is well-known.

Now we pass to mysticism. I was about to write about all those absurdities, but found out that I had no Internet connection, at that it disappeared capitally. That is it used to disappear for several hours earlier from time to time, I had to call to the provider and it reappeared, I did the same that time, I called to Akado once, twice, thrice, I had to listen every time nonsense about modernization, about some mysterious repair, operators told me lies and were rude and Internet was absent for whole four days. My neighbors with the same provider had it meanwhile. Simply bible miracles!

That is now we have the orthodox Internet as the Chinese one? Or simply Vladimir Iosifovich Resin addressed with special orthodox prayer to the chief of Akado Victor Iosifovich Koresh, therefore I had no Internet for several days? Marvelous are your works, My God!

So, I was compelled to buy mobile modem and to send a claim into Akado, the Internet appeared at once. One more miracle! I hope Akado will have enough mind to compensate the expenses incurred to me in a pre-judicial order? It would be great to apologize for disgusting work as well.

The last thing which I wanted to say after Resin's radio performance who affirmed all money for construction of six hundred temples is exclusive donations of orthodox Muscovites. So, the most modest temple costs over 500 million rubles. Let’s multiply it by 600 temples and we receive inconceivable figure 3 with eleven zeros. Even if to assume that there is half a million believers in Moscow, it’s necessary to get 600 000 thousand rubles from each. The same sum for maintenance of these temples, attendants of cult, their rich clothes, cars, apartments and so forth and so forth.

Let’s talk about construction of temples in Moscow, when you, Mr. Resin, will get this money from the believers.

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