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Moscow, Hostels. President, Answer!

Moscow, Hostels. President, Answer!
А. Zimbovsky 14.10.2012

A session passed in Zyuzinsky court of the city of Moscow on Ocotber, 8 ad sectam of the doctor of hospital of war veterans No. 3 Chekhovskyh A.A. to the department of housing policy.

It is necessary to note that if usually judges hide whose class interests they protect out of politeness at least a little bit, passing "necessary" judgment they try at least to observe formalities this … judge Mrs. Solenaya made impression not even broken free but got out of a pinch collar (the collar with thorns inside intended for disciplining of especially harmful dogs). Mrs. Solenaya was openly rude with physicians and their lawyer, she ignored petitions motivating it like: “I make you the remark concerning your behavior”, “If you want to create negative mood in judicial session”.

I think it’s excessive to tell that it was forbidden to apply audio recording of the session to other materials. However, it is necessary to note that there was one person whom the judge didn’t make a note and whose petitions she never rejected. This person is representative of the department of housing policy.

In any case this hearing was the last hearing in Zyuzinsky court. The case was transferred to Presnensky district court (from the place of the apartment location to the location of the respondent).

It is necessary to note that the story which became a matter of judicial proceedings, to put it mildly is “remarkable". “Things which happen to the state employees can be called simply racket, - Olga Gabanova comments events acting in court as representative of the hospital, – the authorities say that the state should care of state employees: doctors, teachers, militiamen. Thus instead of giving state employees housing, it forces them to buy this housing on referred terms (for 2.5 million with payment by installments during 10 years). You know what salaries state employees, physicians have”.

However, in the story with Chekhovskyh level of mockery simply read off scale. “The department of housing policy allocated us this apartment, - Olga Gabanova tells. - We tried to let people live there, not even free of charge, but with payment by installments. However the department rejected candidates explaining it by the fact that, say, the some relative of the granny of the physician has an apartment”.

Eventually, the department agreed to let Albina Atlasovna Chekhovskih to move in. It took place in January, 2012. However district department despite of the directive of the municipal didn't sign official contract with her. Albina Albertovna was constantly demanded to present different papers like whether her “husband has an apartment” (by the way she is divorced from him). Continuous hassle and fear to find herself on the street together with two children (moving into a new apartment Chekhovskih should have refused a room in a hostel which she occupied earlier) cost Albina very expensively. Oncological disease progressed within the last year. Eventually, Chekhovskih and hospital brought an action against district department and demanded court to oblige district department to execute the directive of the municipal and at last to sign the contract with Chekhovskih.

At last representative of the municipal joyfully came to the session on October, 8 and brought a new directive No. 77 saying “ … apartment located at Izyumskaya St., 57 - 77 is taken back from disposition of the hospital of war veterans No. 3 for long not housing.

1. To cancel directive of the Department of housing policy and housing funds of Moscow No. P52-9780 from 05.12.2011 “About granting Chekhovskih A.A. (for a family of three people) premises under the purchase and sale contract with payment by installments …”

“At first the department in every possible way interfere with housing of this apartment, now it makes such decision!” - Olga Gabanova makes comments on the situation.

About Militia

I served for 12 years, I participated in operations, I have no admonition for these years, - Kondrashin Boris tells to the author of the material, - now new heads don’t like me and they decided to dismiss me.” Kondrashin considers dismissal illegal, he is going to appeal against it in court. Lawyers of the trade union "Protection" agree with his opinion.

It is necessary to note that administration of the hostel of the military unit 3792 declared Kondrashina that he should leave the place where he used to live for 8 years in 2 days, otherwise his things would be thrown out. No one cares that a person can be compulsorily evicted only by the court, that the right to housing is fixed by the Constitution, that Boris and his wife Kondrashina Natalia, his children Vyacheslav (12 years), Maxim (9 years), Snezhana (7 years) have no place to go.

Barabanny Pereulok. Just about to be repaired or set on fire

On October, 9 experts from DEZ at last deigned to visit a house located at Barabanny Pereulok, 11/5. We remind, that “Milar”, Ltd which declared itself the owner of the building and aspiring to make residents - former employees of silk combine – leave it, illegally switched off water on September, 15 (it is necessary to note, that very day the building was tried to be clear off from inhabitants by means of a group of court marshals). And on October, 9 experts from DEZ found out that “Milar” not only switched off water, but also dismantled equipment for its feeding. It was promised to residents that the question would be solved at a meeting in prefecture which would take place on October, 10, they were promised to get the answer when they would receive help, namely when water supply would be restored and the heating would switched on.

As it is necessary to note militian post (this post was established on desperate requests of residents after attempt of arson of the hostel) is removed now. Officials promise residents that it would reappear in a couple of days. It is necessary to hope that it really will be so or that the owner won't try to derive maximum benefit from these several days. For example, that he won't try to set fire the second time or to think up something else.

The president should answer

On Saturday, October, 13 residents of the hostel at the address Barabanny Pereulok are going to take their address to the office of the president of the Russian Federation. Inhabitants of the hostel of physicians located in Simferopolsky Boulevard, 19 will also go. These people at first were promised that they would sign contracts of social hiring, or will be provided with the right to buy housing at BTI cost, after they were declared: “either you sign hiring contract of the office (giving chance to evict physicians at any time), or go away!” Residents of the hostel of Aviamotor Plant "Salyut", these people were also promised housing and were deceived the same way, inhabitants of other Moscow hostels, people whom businessmen and officials try to deprive of honestly earned housing will also come.

We gather at 9-00 next to Plevna Chapel (metro station Kitay - gorod)

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