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Criminality Will Be the Main and the Most Consistent Defender of the Power

Criminality Will Be the Main and the Most Consistent Defender of the Power
Basanets Pavel 04.09.2012

Common sense prompts that cardinal, painful for Putin’s vertical changes will take place soon in Russia. Increasing number of people start to understand that illegitimate, inadequate power – threat to the stability in the country, threat to the mere existence of Russia. The last revelations of the "president" Putin apropos "adaptation" of foreign migrants tells either about absence of any knowledge of history, or complete ignoring of interests of indigenous people, or feverish desire to get as many as possible new 146% of voters for "wizard" Churov.

Thoughtless use of the purse of the country for carrying out of a forum of Asia – Pacific Region, for carrying out of unnecessary for anybody Olympic Games in Sochi and in the long term for carrying out of the FIFA World Cup, construction of tens presidential residences – all these forms steady opinion about Putin as about the "president" wasting public finances. People distinctly see interrelation between the growing poverty and high prices, rise in crime, murders of children committed by mothers due to impossibility to support them and the luxury of the slave of the galleys and his environment reading off scales of decency. Futile chatting doesn't impress people any more. People are already ready to demand that the “guys” answer “for a chat”. They would have to answer soon.

Protest will accrue in the country. Stupid attempts to intimidate citizens dissatisfied with the power are doomed to failure. Experience of other countries shows that frank aggression of the retaliatory services causes radicalisazion of the protest, its transformation into aggressive, dot blows. In realities of Russia – in relation to representatives of intelligence services, structures of the party in power, corrupted officials.

It’s symptomatically that the main threat to protest movement and its leaders will proceed not from intelligence services and army. People in uniforms live not on the deserted island, destructive impact of the power on society is obvious to them, it is clear to them that they will be used as always without payment in return. It’s obvious that it’s necessary to answer for lawlessness sooner or later.

I dare say that criminality will be the main and the most consistent defender of the power from protesters. That organized, armed criminality which was brought by the power and which interests are closely intertwined with interests of officials, become criminal part of the intelligence services, all establishment of Putin's mode.

As a result of Yeltsin and then and Putin pseudo-reforms officials and criminality won. They are the only who have WHAT to protect in Putin's Russia. They are the only whom change of the mode isn't favorable.

Therefore by experience of other countries it is possible to say with confidence that in case of aggravation of the situation in the country, criminal structures will be engaged in elimination of dangerous for the power tendencies in the protest movement and first of all of the leaders of opposition. Due to the fact that Putin abolished division on fight against organized crime in the Ministry of Internal Affairs these structures managed to build in the country vertical parallel to the power which supervises practically all national economy on a share basis with the officials.

From Putin's last revelations about migrants it is possible to draw a conclusion that the power resting on legal base to conscript foreigners into the Russian army will for a short period of time conscript internal troops of citizens who are not burdened by excessive sentimentality to rebelled natives of Russia ….

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