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Idiocy as Way of Existence of the Modern Russia

Idiocy as Way of Existence of the Modern Russia
Komkov Sergey 05.08.2012

(Idiocy (from Classical Greek Idioteia - ignorance) – the deepest degree of intellectual backwardness, being characterized by almost total absence of speech and thinking. Intelligent activity is inaccessible to idiots. They aren't capable to independent life. Emotional life of idiots doesn’t go beyond primitive reactions of pleasure or displeasure. Outbursts of unmotivated anger prevail in the behavior of one idiots, slackness and indifference to the surrounding – of others).

Eleven p.m., it rains cats and dogs, ahead – the only highway from the main international airport of Moscow Sheremetyevo. Multikilometer traffic jam. The first though that comes to the mind of the foreigner who has got into it – it looks like there’s an awful car crash somewhere. The thought that someone decided to put asphalt under such pouring rain won’t even appear. The works completely paralyzed entry into the capital of Russia.

Though there’s nothing strange in it for beat-up Russians. They have already got used to live in conditions of full and never-ending idiocy. This idiocy starts pursuing a citizen of our country since the moment of his birth. Having hardly opened his eyes, he suddenly realizes that he was born not in the proper country. Because nobody waits for him here, by and large, nothing’s ready for his further life in this world.

Some men and women with absolutely moronic physiognomies try to launch him to the eternity from his first days in the maternity home. If born Russian after all manages to remain alive, they push him out to the world without saying few tender words as farewell.

His worldly drudgeries proceed. Suddenly it appears that nobody prepared a place in kindergarten for him as ten - fifteen years ago buildings of kindergartens were sold to some businessman or given at the disposal of militia (sorry, police).

When without having got into desired kindergarten a child goes to long-awaited school, he finds out a lot of surprises there. It becomes suddenly clear that he would be taught by frustrated, disadvantaged and stirred-up to death people whom he should call teachers. Fortunately, sometimes he can come across few kind and quite decent ones. After a while the child starts to understand himself that life of his instructors in this world is really not easy. Because these kind instructors are unable to protect their pupils from full idiocy in the form of constant stupid coaching and the top of this dullness – Unified State Examination.

But even if after all unfortunate teenager by hook or by crook (much more often) manages to overcome silly test called Unified State Examination, big trouble waits him ahead. He finds out that some silly man being appointed, obviously, by even sillier one, the minister suddenly decided to cut the quantity of free (budgetary) places in HEI by half. Now former pupil is compelled either to look for rich relatives, or to be doomed to a fate of the professional loser.

It’s possible to continue this cooling soul story indefinitely. While here a question appears: what happened to our once prospering country? Whether we always were at such stage of idiocy? What is necessary to do to escape from a vicious circle and to start to turn into normal people?

Certainly at first it is necessary to understand what stage of idiocy we occupy and whether overcoming of so dangerous mental disease is possible in general. It will be difficult to do it. As all leading political forces of the state today are completely struck with this dangerous illness. It is enough to look in faces of our legislators. Some of them being clients of psychiatric clinics for long continue to pass laws on the basis of which we live actually without regaining consciousness.

One of these "legislators" not just strikes Russia and the whole world with his inadequate behavior, but even managed to organize party of mentally defective people. It’s hardly possible to imagine what will happen if these, if one may say so, "politicians" will come to power. They will go to wash boots in the Indian Ocean and ease themselves in the outer space.

However, situation with those "legislators" who make official "party in power" is not better. Tracing their actions you involuntarily understand that they are also not feeling well. Laws which they pass using roguish majority in the parliament are beyond human understanding. Thus once having easily pressed the button for vote they took away even the hope of tolerable existence in this idiotic world for many, having deprived these people of social privileges. Then they easily solved a problem of future generations having deprived the most part of the growing-up population of the country of possibility to get high-grade education. Acceptance of the law on Unified State Examination which actually turns all growing-up population of the country into stout idiots was the top of manifestation of idiocy.

Even sadder picture could be observed today in the system of executive power of the country. Very often I catch myself on a thought that involuntarily I look into the faces of our ministers trying to catch in them at least a spark of intelligence. Each time this hopeless occupation comes to an end with full disappointment. There is no divine spark. Irrepressible thirst of power and money is looked through these eyes at the best. In the worst – emptiness.

Sometimes there is an impression that none of them could even say anything clever. For, as soon as he opens a mouth, some nonsense comes out. Something like that for improvement of the higher education is necessary to reduce a number of budgetary places by half. Something it reminds me a joke when to solve problems with treatment of patients the chief physician offers to take severely ill patients directly to a mortuary. It’s simpler and quieter. For an idiot. No need to strain brains which are obviously defective.

Who tired us out into this vicious circle? It can be often heard that we ourselves are abnormal and that from immemorial times Russia was the country of idiots. I will dare to doubt it. Our distressful country really endured very difficult periods in its history. But its peculiarity is that it always attracted by its infinite riches. Natural and human.

Today our natural riches came to the forefront for the world backstage and a person living in its territory appeared superfluous for the future owners dreaming of possession of all these riches. Active work on transformation of the Russian into stout and impassable idiot started. It’s a blessing that was a lot of mean souls ready to sell own mother for material promises appeared in today's Russia.

Everything’s clear with the developers of these artful plans. Their purposes and tasks are extremely clear. I would like to express only one fear here: it will be hard for the new owner to put things in order in future huge country being turned by then into grandiose psychiatric hospital. Difficult measures of retaliatory medicine should be applied here. Question with those who actually became helpers of these future owners is slightly more difficult. If they dream to become nurses in this psychiatric hospital, they are deeply mistaken. Most likely, they will be killed first of all as they are unnecessary witnesses. It is a pity that they don't understand it. They themselves are seriously struck with virus of idiocy.

It’s sad to look in the face of our present politicians and leaders. Full emptiness and misunderstanding are seen there. Epidemic of idiocy covered Russia with its black wing …

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