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Putin Evicts People from Trekhgorka?..

Putin Evicts People from Trekhgorka?..

Source: RRP - info

At 12.00 on May, 4th residents of a hostel "Trekhgorka" were going to set up a camp in front of Moscow Mayor’s Office (Tverskaya Street, 13) and not to go away without having achieved solution of their problem.

Negotiations between residents of the hostel "Trekhgorka", representatives of municipal authorities and the owner of the hostel organized by prefecture should have taken place on May, 3nd in a building of administrative board of Presnensky area. Residents wanted to pay attention of misters managers and officials to the fact that:

- workers of Trekhgornaya Manufactory lived on a constant basis in the house located at Bolshoj Trekhgorny Pereulok, 15, build. 2 at the moment when it was recognized uninhabited and the article 22 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is Russian Federation "Conditions of transfer of residential premises in non-residential premise and non-residential premise in residential" says directly that "Transfer of residential premises to non-residential isn't allowed … if the premise under transfer is a part of residential premises or is used by its owner or other citizen as a place of continuous accommodation, as well as in case if the property right … is burdened with the rights of some persons".

In view of it people wanted to demand revision of the decision on recognition the building located at Bolshoj Trekhgorny Pereulok, 15, build. 2 uninhabited. They also wanted to remind officials that according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, art. 14 such revision is in competence of local governments. Well, as the so-called "repair work" made by the staff of JSC “Femida” ostensibly with assent of JSC Trekhgornaya Manufactory made the house 15, build. 2 unsuitable for accommodation, people wanted to demand carrying out of interdepartmental commission on recognition of the house unsuitable for accommodation, that is also in competence of local governments (Housing Code of the Russian Federation, art. 14).

At last as on the basis of art. 7 of the Federal Law "About introduction in action of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation": "Standards of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation related to the contract of social loan are used in relation to premises located in houses belonging to the state or municipal enterprises or public or municipal authorities, being used as hostels and transferred to jurisdiction of local governments" and on the basis of art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation "Bases of recognition of citizens needing premises provided under the contracts of social loan":

1. Citizens needing residential premises provided under the contracts of social loan are (further - needing residential premises)... 3) living in the apartment which doesn’t meet requirements established for residential premises",

people demanded to recognize them needing residential premises provided under the contracts of social loan and, in view of emergency condition of the building located at B.Trekhgorny Per., 15, build. 2 (it happened due to the desire of the owner to supplant people) to move them into municipal housing with the conclusion of the contract of social loan on residential premises being provided.

Probably, it would be difficult to officials and representatives of the owner to find lawful objections to satisfy such requirements, therefore misters chiefs and managers left negotiations. The owner left "without saying good bye", without any explanations, while misters municipal officials still “took sweet time” "in Scottish way". They declared that they can't make the decision without participation of the owner (as it’s seen from the above-stated references to laws – bald lie) as well as they can’t speak in the presence of listeners and journalists (naturally – it’s one thing to lie – I am sorry - to make promises which you are not going to carry out unofficially and it’s different case to do the same in the presence of witnesses and to the chamber), well, at last they also ran away.

Well, so that inhabitants revolted with a course of negotiations leave city board as quickly as possible, provocation was organized. Security guards (when the owner and officials want, they are able to work together) built alive wall next to the entrance into the hostel and ceased to didn’t let people in, therefore inhabitants of the hostel were compelled to return home to protect the house in the most literal sense of the word. Naturally, after this story inhabitants of the hostel already realized that it’s useless to talk to the municipal officials of low level and as it’s impossible to leave the case as it is (people sent by the owner break floors in the hostel, dismantle windows, periodically switch off water and electricity, arrange power provocations), residents decided to address major’s office for the answer.

Additional information: 8-926-124-68-72-Nadezhda, 8-968-75-60-556 - Galina, 8-916-737-10-33 Alexander


From editorial board: That it was absolutely clear – at first prefecture of the Central Administrative District, though without big desire, began solving question with residents of the hostel in essence.

It was entrusted to solve it to the deputy prefect Alexander Litoshin which primary position - he told it to me at the first meeting – the simplest way for the city is to give several apartments and to close question. But there is new Housing code where two very unpleasant things are accurately registered: it’s impossible to shift the queue so that not to have problems with prosecutor's office (that very prosecutor's office which is situated across the road from ill-fated hostel, but always finds it difficult to appear in time) and the second - even if the house is emergency one, prefecture can't move people into the normal housing, but it is obliged to settle them out precisely as they used to be before –meter in meter.

At the second meeting he told me the same, but already with other intonation - if at first it was the desire to overcome legal obstacles, now it was demonstration of powerlessness in such situation. My assurances that the public is ready to support efforts of prefecture to find human solution in every possible way didn’t make special impression on the vice-prefect.

Position of the "owner" was extremely impudent in general: at first there appeared some young-looking guy - "so, take all cameras away, only the residents participate in conversation, all other are free" and when the public (including deputies of different levels, journalists, film-making group of TV channel “Russia”) refused to react he simply went away without having said goodbye. Representative of rather strong power, the vice-prefect of the Central Administrative District made helpless gesture – it’s impossible to solve the question without the owner.

Well, right after tirade of this wart we received a message: the hostel was immediately surrounded by some mobsters, people fail to go in and out - police from the Department of Internal Affairs of the district “Presnenskoe” located near comes infrequently and with delay in time, those guys make everything accurately.

Position of the owner is very simple – to make life of residents remaining in the emergency house intolerable whenever possible. That, according to the logic of the owner, probably should make them more compliant.

Separately about the owner. You will not find anywhere on a site of "Trekhgornaya Manufactory" or, say, in Wikipedia anything about the owner. You will find a lot about merchants Prokhorovs, while not a single word about today’s owner of Trekhgorka. All pronounce surname Deripaska, but for some reason it’s more convenient to the owner to remain modest anonym. It is clear: merchants Prokhorovs though sucked blood of the proletarians since 1799, but created production which became legendary. While new owner, alas, came to liquidate it.

Wikipedia: "’Today the manufactory is being transferred to a new platform. The main weaver's production is already working in the city of Gavrilov-Yam in Yaroslavl region. It’s modern hi-tech production. Spinning and finishing productions still remain in Moscow as well as sales department, design center and administration".

There is restaurant row with exit to World Trade Center there, clubs and other objects of prestigious real estate. Actually, the destiny of hostel is predetermined - workers won't live here, it’s fact.

But there is a question – if someone from many thousands’ in the past group of Trekhgorka will go from Moscow to the city of Gavrilov Yam with population of 17 792 people, that is less, than once worked on the factory? It is clear that the owner is not going to establish any serious production in Gavrilov Yam, the more so it’s much more favorable to use production of the Chinese light industry.

What to do next? It is natural that if the prefecture of the Central Administrative District is unable to solve the question, Moscow Mayor’s Office should solve it - new mayor Sobyanin started so vigorously, expanded the capital territory in 2,5 times... Possibly he could also to solve the question with moving of ten families?

Here you are the newest information - inhabitants and civil activists were accepted by the senior of the reception of the mayor’s office Mr. Popov! He told that the capital mayor’s office is not going to do anything for these people. Go, say, to the owner and solve the question with him...

Now there’s only one way out – to go to inauguration of Putin. The more so anonymity of the owner suggests that the president and the owner can appear if not one person but something very associated. Not for nothing some oligarchs are called "purses of the Kremlin".

Then rather impudent position of representatives of the owner is clear – they are "tsar’s people". As well as powerlessness of the omnipotent mayor’s office is clear.

Lackeys? Went away!

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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