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The Kremlin Abortionmakers and Epoch of Genocide

The Kremlin Abortionmakers and Epoch of Genocide
Аlexander Golovenko 02.04.2011

On Monday official results of the All-Russia population census which passed in October, 2010 were published. I waited for two days: how would president Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin comment them? It's interesting to listen their explanation why since 2002 for 8 years of their serene reign country population decreased for 2,2 million people. It was recognized by Rosstat which they made subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. It means that in reality "unnatural decrease" made 5-6 millions. It means that both Lev Rokhlin and Victor Ilyukhin were right when they talked about politics of genocide carried out by authorities.

Well, how else could this policy be called if without any visible reason in days of unknown "oil abundance" the number of dollar millionaires and billionaires grew like a weed while population got reduced? Thus how many times for those years misters Putin and Medvedev told us that death rate falls, birth rate grows and all these thanks to indefatigable care of them and the party "Edinaya Russia".

However two days passed but "tandem" still kept silent as a pickpocket overtaken in a fault. While there are plenty of questions to be asked.

Here you are, for example, they thought up some virtual parent capital for the second child which, according to Putin, should have been raised birth rate in disbanding Russia. I remember deputies of opposition laughing when the first vice-premier Medvedev whom Putin made responsible for birth rate assured from the TV screen:

- Maternity capital can motivate a family to give birth to the second, the third and even the fourth child.

Whether a lot of people were motivated? There are figures. Deputies laughed because they understood: Zurabov's swindle least of all was aimed at birth rate increase.

"It is next gamble, - members of the parliament stressed, - directed on making maternity capital work in the Pension Fund for enrichment of people involved in it".

Really, what else could be said: mother who gives birth to the second child is given the right to receive the sum of 250 thousand roubles when her child will reach the age of ... 3 years. The more so it's not possible to receive the money "alive", only to direct on education of grown up child, to improve living conditions or to list in the Pension Fund in a memory part of maternal pension. Have you got the idea?

All attempts of deputies, scientific, pedagogical, medical, parental public to give mother the right to direct the money for treatment of the child met the answer: "No!" Ostensibly due to the fact that maternity capital should stay in the Pension Fund for 3 years. At that only 10-15% of babies are born healthy in our country. Under other data, no more than 30%. Thus we have, probably, the highest infantile death rate in the world. Have you got?

One more example: president of that time Putin declared 2008 - "Year of Family". Its aim: to promote propagation of family values and strengthening of family institute. Naturally Dmitry Anatolevich, the successor, was made responsible. But in March of 2008 he occupied the highest in the Kremlin post and hurried to throw that honorary duty away to vice-premier Zhukov. To the person without any emotion on his face, with icy, as of Snow Queen, eyes.

What's the result of "Year of Family"? Nobody reported. The country continued reduction with speed of 700-800 thousand citizens annually. Only once the chairman of the committee of the State Duma on affairs of women and children E.Mizulina brought peculiar result: "This year has brought us 112 thousand new orphans". That's how misters from "tandem" strengthened family institute. Naturally, the same quantity of orphans filled up asylums in 2009-2010s years ...

The same unruly professor reminded: "Up to 8 million abortions are performed annually in the country taking into account criminal and illegal ones". At quantity of births 1,2 - 1,4 million. Here you are enormous reserve of birth rate! What's made for preventive maintenance of such mad number of abortions? So that women give birth instead of running to "hurt themselves"?

Our "tandem" passes this theme accurately by. Apparently, these figures suit it. It is told in census results: up to 30% of all death falls on men of able-bodied age. So why do they die? On the same statistics, up to 500.000 die of reasons anyhow connected with alcohol. That is from vodka. As well as from drugs. What can be said - the nation becomes inveterate drunkard and becomes addicted ever strongly. "Tandem" perfectly knows it. What measures of preventive maintenance are taken? None.

On August, 12th year before last at specially called meeting president Medvedev made surprising recognition:

- If to speak frankly, alcoholism has got character of national disaster in our country. I will remind that, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, about 18 liters of pure alcohol are consumed annually in Russia by each person including babies. You can count the quantity of bottles of vodka yourself - I feel choky. It more than twice exceeds the level which the World Health Organization has defined as level dangerous for life and health of a person. Naturally this level simply threatens with degradation to our country, our people.

Medvedev gave order to the government to develop plan of measures on bridling of alcoholic genocide. The state monopoly for alcohol should become a core. Dead line - March, 1st, 2010.

The date approached and vice-premier V.Zubkov declared: it's impossible to enter state monopoly for alcohol. Interests of wine-vodka barons are above nation health. Let it disband further.

That's all. Medvedev with frankness inhering in him washed hands. All his anti-alcoholic fuse disappeared. Anti-alcoholic campaign generated nothing. Today he doesn't even recollect about huge number of drinkers among his citizens. Apparently because he envies very much his boss. That one worked the bugs out of his vodka "Putinka". To introduce vodka "Medvedeff" into broad masses turns out to be impossible ...

... So why do neither president Medvedev, nor Prime Minister Putin comment scandalous results of the All-Russia population census? Unless they have nothing to say?

While their prolonged pause reminds silence of the pickpocket caught in the act.

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